Chapter 3

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Is it Stacey or me? Yeah right Sam! As if he would stay for you. He would stay because of Bri and Den, not you. Because if it was for you, he wouldn’t think twice in rejecting you since he already dumped you.

I have been thinking about that the whole night. But then I realized that the night is young and I have to enjoy the party rather than thinking about Drew’s decision.

The party is a whole blast. No one seems to care about the time. Talking to former colleagues, discussing what had happened when I’m nowhere to be seen, reporters asking questions about my sudden escape and the management asking me to come back. But the most exciting part was when Stacey tries to get all the attention that everyone is giving me. It seems like I am being mobbed by people who wants to buy my enterprise and she would suddenly cut down her price to half. Ha-ha.

I pretended not to care but it was too obvious that she was making a scene. And I can see that Drew is a bit irritated by his girlfriend’s actions.

“As far as I know Drew, he doesn’t like people who makes a scene just to get the spotlight because he himself, though he’s a great actor doesn’t want the spotlight every now and then.” Bri remarked as he sipped his wine.

“Exactly! So I can’t find the rationale why he still keeps Stacey with him. You know that girl always likes the spotlight and when necessary, she would definitely make a scene just to be noticed.” Den agreed.

I continued watching Stacey as she was busy flaunting her dress and giving details without even noticing that the whole room looks at her with irritated expression. She might interpret it that everyone is interested on what is she saying.

“I am sure he has an acceptable reason why does he still chooses to be with Stacey. Maybe he is truly in love with her more than he being in love with me back then. We can’t conclude or assume any reason for his choice or actions because he is the only one that can answer or clear our mind about all this things.” I said.

“Just like we can’t conclude or think about his reasons for dumping you?” Den asked. She is probably thinking on how to prove my point but she stepped on the wrong statement because I know his reasons though they are not vividly stated but his actions and the way he speaks pertains to his reasons.

“Maybe.” I answered carefully while observing if there is anyone who hears our conversation. But I’m fortunate that no one does.

“But love isn’t enough to make things right Nic.” Bri rebutted.

“Maybe for him it is. Let’s not argue with this one now, there are gossip-hungry people, especially reporters, who are dying to know even a little detail on our breakup so please let’s just discuss this some other time.” I ended the conversation because I can see one of the network heads approaching our table.

“As you say so Nic.” Den said and ate her cake.

“Sam, can I talk to you for a couple of minutes? If you don’t mind Sarah and Prince.” The head of the artist center asked.

“Sure ma’am.” I said and before following her, I glanced at Den as if saying to her that this is her chance and I approached the head’s table.

“Ma’am Gonzales, what matters are we going to discuss?” I asked after I settled down.

“I would like to ask for a favor Sam.” Favor? I am curious about it.

“What favor ma’am?” I asked.

“Would you please participate on the network’s concert here in California?” What? Participate?

“What do you mean participate ma’am?” Am I going to host? Am I going to sing or what?

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