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It was the next day and last night we got all of my stuff packed we were just tired and needed sleep so we went to bed but now its morning. I wake up and turn over to see Raegan and he turns over to see me we both smile then he kisses me and says "you ready to go?" I smile real big and nod my head. We both get up and get ready and grab my stuff and head to the car. Raegan said "we are gonna have to drive there because we wouldn't be able to get all this stuff through to the airport." I said "oh yeah that would be true." Raegan started to drive and then we pulled through the drive-thru of Mcdonald's and said "i'm hungry. want anything?" I smiled and told him what I wanted and then he ordered our stuff, payed and then we left and we were on our way. We were driving and on the radio Say you won't let go came on we both looked at each other so fast and we started singing so loud. That song is our song some parts describe us so much and just ugh. We continued to do that to some of our other favorite songs. I turned to Raegan and said "how much longer?" He said "about an hour." I nodded and looked down at his hand he saw I was looking at it and said "you can hold my hand babe." He held out his hand for me to hold and our hands intertwined and I saw him smile as he was driving. I love him so freaking much he doesn't even know words can not describe how much I love this boy. I pulled our intertwined hands to my face and I kissed his hand and said "babe I love you so much. I just want you to know I love you and don't ever forget that words can't describe how much I love you I'm so glad I met you. I'm so glad you noticed me that one time on your broadcast." I started tearing up. We were at a red light so he looked at me. He saw the tears in my eyes and said "aww babe don't cry! I can't top what you just said but I love you so fricking much too and your right words can't describe how much we love each other but we will both always know that we love each other a whole fracking lot!" We laughed and kissed and then the light turned green and we went. I was still holding his hand I didn't want to let go. (Just say you won't let go oh oh oh. you know from that song? anyways) Soon enough we got to his house we got out of the car and started getting my bags and then his dad came out and helped us bring them in. Soon all my bags were in Raegan's room and we started to unpack and kind of just get me settled. I'm so glad I get to be here with him. 

A.N. This isn't realated to the book but in August i'm meeting Justin Blake and the rest of the people that are going to be on Digi tour i'm so excited!!

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