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In the morning, AJ and Jasmine sit on my bed, talking about problems while watching cartoons on the crappy hospital television. There's no remote. Only knobs on the dinosaur.

I tell them about Michael as we play with the TV. About him before the accident (if it even was an accident, on my part), and about him after.

"And you still want to be friends with him? After that?" Jasmine asks, incredulous. I've come to realize that she isn't really the forgiving type.

"We were never that great of friends in the first place, honestly. He's just . . . He's always been there. Even when it wasn't obvious. I don't want him to go away because of some stupid accident."

"It isn't exactly stupid," AJ says as he changes the channel and frowns.

"Oh, it's stupid," I assure him.

"Yes, a pacemaker and broken ribs are just the epitome of stupid," Jasmine says, in mock seriousness.

"They are," I say.

AJ and Jasmine share a look. I sigh. Suddenly, AJ causes the television to go static and Jasmine loses her shit.

"Turn it off! Turn it off!"

AJ eyes widen and he shuts it off instantly. "You good?" he asks her in bewilderment.

She's breathing heavily. She shuts her eyes for a moment before answering. "It's fine. I just . . . hate static."

It's my turn to share a look with AJ. We watch her cautiously before she glares at us and we find something else to look at.

"God, don't be so weird about it. I just don't like it," Jasmine snaps.

"Okay. Just chill," AJ says.

"AJ?" she says.


"Never tell me to chill."

We go back to chatting about nonsense. But we never touch the television.

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