Breakfast of Champions

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I was nearly asleep when the door opened, Martin walking in carrying various pieces of armor and a long sword. He smiled and sit it all on the floor, quite neatly.

"These should fit you. I noticed you travel light, so it might take some getting used to. You must wear this at all time that you are not resting. Never know when we're going to be ambushed." He chuckled at himself, shaking his head.

"That's... reassuring." I blinked, picking up the sword and examining its hilt. It was silver, embellished with gilded leaves and some strands of blue. There was a small piece of sapphire at the top, glinting in the soft light from the candles.

"It's quite lovely, don't you think?" Martin asked, admiring the armor. It had the same design, only with an added hand carved into the cuirass.

"Certainly." I gave him a brief smile before setting the sword onto the desk.

"It's almost midnight. We should all get some rest. Someone will be by in the morning to wake you. From then, you'll get dressed and head to the dining room. Legate Moor should be there to give you an assignment." Martin explained, looking around the room as if I changed something.

"I'm not a fan of eating when I wake up." I stretched, leaning back onto the cot. Martin seemed shocked, almost offended.

"Breakfast is important. Especially for you. You have to eat, those are your first set of orders." He crossed his arms over his chest and tried to look serious.

"For me? What's that supposed to mean?" I stood, walking up to him.

"You're quite thin." His words were simple but I felt almost annoyed. 

"Is my body a problem for you?"

Martin leaned back in confusion, giving me a puzzled glance.

"For gods sake, no. Your body type is none of mine or anyone else's concern. I meant, I can tell you've sacrificed many meals for your friend. And you'll need your strength. Besides, you can't sneak with a growling stomach." He smirked, patting me on the shoulder before turning to leave.

"Goodnight, Catherine." He chirped, walking to the left and into his room. I shut the door and moved back into the cot, staring at the ceiling.

How do I always get myself into such strange situations? And how did someone with such... kindness get to lead a militia? Not to mention, I couldn't help but think about what he had said.
"Your body is none of my concern." I mumbled, tossing to the side. Was he not attracted to me? Why did I even care?

Luckily, overthinking was the perfect way for me to fall asleep.

"Rise and shine, recruit."

I stirred for a moment before opening my eyes and sitting up, looking at a tall man in my doorway. He wasn't around the night before. I sort of hoped it would be Martin to wake me.

"In General Nathan Lee. You'll be following me to the dining room as soon as you get dressed. Which, I wonder, why you haven't started yet." He raised a brow, the wrinkles in his forehead deepening.

"Perhaps because you're watching me." I smirked, watching him grow irritated and leave the room. With that, I got up and began to dress myself in the armor presented to me.

It was heavy. Much heavier than I anticipated, but it would work. As I walked out of the room, I fastened my sword onto my hips and met with Nathan, who examined me briefly before turning away and walking.

"At least you're not as excited as your friend is. He practically jumped out of his bed to put on his armor." Nathan said, running his hand through his graying hair. I chuckled at the thought of Criss struggling to put on his outfit.

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