When Poetry struggles as to my Love

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When Poetry struggles as to my Love

There is beauty that flaunts from tempest
--and holy to be delighted as looking...
with such honor to see the man in vain
but beautifully made, it flaunts in grace--

Weakly maneuvering the foot of time--
following the trail--and swooning what's mine
redo the time--and kiss him--again
hoping it would twitch the labyrinth of Fate.

Wishing--and wasting--the feels of heart--
untying the mark--of Paradise locked
and seek the Pierian spring--
sing the choir of eternity--and back--
The blood sweetened and flows--
to the lake of complaining moon
tolling the holes and goes...

Running back from time--

Trying--to steal the hand of clock
and point it to the time--

when his beauty and grace
flaunt to be the gifts of mine--

©bell (Philophobia)

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