Father's day!

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So I decided to pick the last name at random. And it was.....Zack addy!!! The first two winder were lance sweets and James Aubrey.

James Aubrey

"Aubrey? When will you be home?" You asked your husband threw the phone. He was currently at work with booth.

"Not to much Longer, why? Is everything okay?" He asked slightly panicked tone.

"No babe, everything's fine. I promise." You assured him.

"Okay. I gotta go, I'll be home soon.i love you."

"I love you too." You hung up.

You stared at the positive pregnancy test in front of you.

Pregnant. You were really pregnant. What were the odds of you finding out you were pregnant on Father's Day?

You and Aubrey had discussed the idea of having children, but not this soon.

You patently waited for him to come home. You were shaking slightly because of your nerves about telling Aubrey.

Finally he came home. You waited in your bedroom for him to come in so you can tell him the news.

"Y/N?" He yelled as he walked in to the house.

"I'm in the bedroom!" You yelled back.

Your heart pounded as you herd his foot steps come Towards the door.

He entered the bedroom.

"Hey Y/N, how are you? seemed kinda off when you called." He asked.

"I'm pregnant." You blurted out. Your heart was racing.

"Are you serious? Your..?" He glanced at your stomach.

You slowly nodded.

He looked at you with the biggest smile on him give and pulled you in for a hug.

"I'm gunna be a dad!" He shouted. He started to tear up and so did you.

"Happy Father's Day."

Lance sweets

You and lance were over at
Angela and Hodgins house with there son, Michael Vincent. Angela had planed a little lunch in honor of Father's Day.

You were about 9 months pregnant with you and lances child. And need less to say he was more then excited to meet his son or daughter (you two decided to let the gender be a surprise.)

"Okay everyone, lunch is ready!" Angela called out from the kitchen. Everyone stood up to go to the table, well except you, lance had to pull you up because your baby bump made it hard to stand.

You all gathered around the table talking about random topics. But it was hard to concentrate because you kept feeling sharp pain in your stomach. You thought it was just the baby kicking.

"Ouch!" You yelped as you felt an even bigger kick. Lance looked at you with worry on his face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I fin-ouch!" You felt another sharp pain.

"Dad? What's happening to aunt Y/N?" Michael asked Hodgins.

"Can you get him out for a minute?" Angela asked him. Knowing what was about to happen.

Hodgins took Michael Vincent to his room while lance and Angela guided you to the couch.

"Deep breaths baby." He told you. You started to take deep breaths.

"I think we need to go to the hospital." Angela said.

"Now? The baby not due for two more weeks." He told her.

"Lance, the baby's coming now."

"I'll drive." Angela said getting her car keys.

"Let's go have a baby." You said.


Hours later of pushing and screaming, you finally hand your beautiful baby.  And she was perfectly heathly.

"Have you to decided on a name?" Hodgins asked as you held your baby close.

"Yes, her name is Kendall Ann sweets." You said.

"That's a beautiful name." Angela commented.

"For a beautiful girl." Lance said as he admired his daughter.

"Happy father day lance."

Zack addy

"Are you sure you can't be home any sooner?" You asked zack threw the phone. It was Father's Day and he was stuck at the lab with dr Brennan.

Your 4 year old son Sam was making zack a card with his crayons while sat at the kitchen table.

"I'm really sorry. I've got assist dr Brennan." He told you.

"He's been working on a card for you all day." You glanced at your son coloring a white piece of paper.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." He sighed.

"Mommy? Is daddy going to be home?" He asked you.

"Look zack I gotta go." You hung up. You sat down with Sam at the table. "I don't think so sweetie, I'm really sorry." You said lightly brushing away a piece if his light brown hair that resembled his father's.

He looked down sadly.

"It's gonna be okay, you can give it to him tomorrow." You told him.

He nodded and continued to work on his card.

*at the lab*

"Zack was that Y/N?" Hodgins asked zack.

"Yes she has informed me that Sam is waiting for me at home." Zack said.

"Zack it's father'a day, you should be with your son."

"But dr Brennan needs me to work. I can't just leave."

"Look zack I'll cover for you. Go home with Sam and Y/N." Said Hodgins.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive zack."


"I'm home!" You herd zack say. He came in to the kitchen were you and Sam were sat.

"Daddy!" He ran up to zack giving him a big hug. He let go and grabbed the card off the table and handed it to zack.

"Happy Father's Day." He said. The card had lots of hearts and it said 'happy Father's Day'.

"Thank you sam." He said looking at the card. He went over to the fridge and hung it up.

"I love you dad." Sam said hugging zack's leg.

Zack bent down and picked him up.

"I love you too."

I hope you all enjoyed! Remember my prompt list is still open for requests.

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