Snake Vagrant

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Sarah's POV

I woke up to find that I had woken up from a terrible dream that I had. I couldn't remember what it was about which was weird. It was 7 so I got up and got ready for school.

When I went downstairs to have breakfast I noticed my dad was on the phone so I just helped myself. When I finished eating it was time to go so I grabbed my stuff and went outside and into the car.

On the way to school I kept on trying to remember the dream that I had. I remember that it was very terrifying like something was happening to me.
I let it go cause I didn't want my dad to know.

When he dropped me off at school I noticed that most of the girls were starring at me for some odd reason. I just walked along and ignored it.

When I got to my locker I noticed that someone had called my name and it turned out to be Chris." Hey sarah" He said with a smile" uh hey Chris what's up?" I asked nervously" uh nothing much I just wanted u to know that I had a really good time last night and I was hoping that maybe we could try it again" he said with another big smile" umm I don't know maybe I'll see when I'm free" I said and with that I shut my locker and headed to my first class.

"Hey so how did it go?" I heard Nancy ask" uh how'd what go?" I asked" ur date with Chris" Rochelle said" Lora already told everybody" Bonnie said. I saw Lora looking over at me but I ignored it.

"It's not really a big deal we just sat and talked" I said" oh so u guys didn't kiss or anything?" Nancy asked" fine we did happy?" I asked with a laugh" we just wanna make sure that this is what u want cause if he hurts u we're here to help" Nancy said with a smirk" yea thx" I said and then with that we heard the bell ring.

My first two classes seemed to go by really quickly for some reason. I kept wishing for it to be over and it felt like only 20 minutes went by and it was over, well it was time for our lunch hour.

When I went to my locker to put my stuff inside I saw Nancy and Bonnie walking over to me." Hey sarah me and Bonnie were wondering if u wanted to get some lunch with us?" Nancy asked" where's Rochelle?" I asked curiously" she has swim practice" Bonnie replied" uh yea sure why not" I said with a smile.

With that me, Bonnie, and Nancy headed outside to the cafeteria to get some food. After we sat down Nancy handed me a book. The tittle was"the craft". I looked at it for a second then I got curious" what's this?" I asked" it's a book that tells about spells and how they work and how u do some of them" Nancy said" wait are u guys actually serious about this?" I asked.

"Yea we are sarah we want u to join us I mean it could be fun" Nancy said" well what would we be doing exactly?" I asked" well we would have to read on about this so we know what to do then we get the supplies we need and start doing spells well simple ones first then we go to the harder ones later" Nancy explained" well when would we practice and where?" I asked" anywhere it could be at ur house, or Bonnie's, or rochelles" Nancy replied" or just anywhere I guess" I said" yep" she said with a smile.

During lunch we mostly talked about witchcraft and about its history or well what Bonnie and Nancy know about it. We flipped through the book and it explained a lot and had a lot of different spells in it.

I really wanted to know how it worked and I really wanted to make new friends and to practice this. I mean if I'm a natural witch then why not.

After lunch I had gym with Rochelle which wasn't so bad. Then I had science which was boring.

Afterwards I went home cause I just wanted to be alone and to process all of this and to figure out what I really want to do with this and if I want to practice this.

Hopefully I do

Hey guys!!!
Hope that u enjoyed the chapter I know that it was a little short but it was just a fill in chapter it will be more interesting next chapter.
Now the question is
Do u think that sarah will want to start practicing the craft?
And what consequences might she have to face?
Comment down below what u think will happen or what u want to happen!

Till next chapter
Votes and comments are greatly appreciated!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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