The creation

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Bumblebee's Pov:
"Kiera?" I asked pushing hot rod off of me. I ran over to her side and my eyes went wide. "Hot rod...Get!" I said getting on my knees. Hot rod rubbed his head and froze in his place. "Is...she Cybertronian?" He asked walking cautiously up to her. I picked her up and held her bridal style. "We have to...get her back to the...base." I said slowly walking down the hill. Hot rod grabbed the orb and transformed to go inform cogman to get the supplies necessary for Kiera. I looked down at her and she looked at me with her blue optics still halfway closed. "Close your...eyes. Rest." I said to my daughter. I walked a bit faster wanting to know what caused the orb to do that and why.
Cogman's Pov:
"Cogman! Cogman where are you?!" I heard hot rod yell. I got up from my chair and walked up to him and was about to ask him what he wanted, until I saw the orb of eorox in his hand. "Do you know what happens if the slightest tap of that orb get's touched?" I asked. "Something has already happened and yeah I know what happens! Kiera told me. Speaking of which you are gonna need alot of supplies out in that little work area of yours." He said to me. "Wait what do you mean suppl-" Bumblebee had walked in, and in a rush too. Everyone stopped and looked at the almost familiar looking of him. "Is that Kiera?" I asked walking up to bumblebee. He whirled quietly and nodded walking over to my area. I followed behind him as well as drift, crosshairs, hound, and those baby alien dinosaurs. Bee laid her down on the floor and looked at me...then to hot rod, "We have to go figure out what this is." He said in one full sentence. Hot rod and bumblebee transformed with their tire's screeching and out the base they went. "I will need all of you to leave! Visiting hours are over for today." I said shooing the 3 or 6 of the Autobots out. Time to get to work.
Kiera's Pov:
Do you know who I am child? Does the voice ring a bell to you? If so...You might have some unanswered questions you might want to ask me. I have seen your father find the orb of eorox, very dangerous when fallen into the wrong hands. Of course Bumblebee isn't a bad guy...Suppose none of the Autobots are. But wait? What about Optimus Prime? If you want to know more about this topic then deliver me that orb or else I shall kill you.

(A/N): Heyyo! Fellow readers! I have seen transformers the last knight Exactly on 6/24/17 and let me tell you some funny things went down. Honestly I made this story before I saw the movie and the part when I said Tessa goes to college was said in the movie. Or the orb of eorox...Of course I made up a random name for a ball, but something similar to the movie as well. A staff perhaps. 😊 Anyway I just wanted to say vote and check out the Tf5 movie. 👌👌👌

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