The DX

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Evie took me in her car dropping me off, then leaving to probably the DX.

When I walked over to see Cherry and Marcia had been obsessing.

Cherry asked, "Where have you been? I messaged you..."

She checked her phone and then continued, "5 Minutes Ago!"

I said, "I was at my house."

She said, "And what were you doing riding in that Greaser's car? Oh never mind."

I rolled my eyes, here we go again.

Marcia interrupted and said, "Do you want me to tell her or what?"

Cherry said, "No! Heather, there was a girl last night at the dance that was totally sabotaging us!"

I asked, "Really, well who was it?"

Cherry answered, "It was this girl in a red dress. She danced in a circle with Soda and totally took the spotlight."

I looked down at my shoes feeling embarrassed as always.

Cherry continued, "And also Soda's date Sandy left him last night to make out with your boyfriend, David."

I quickly responded, "David's not my boyfriend! We were never together!"

Marcia said, "Anyways! Yeah, Soda cheated on Sandy, and Sandy cheated on Soda."

I honestly couldn't believe it.

If she wanted Soda so bad, how could she do that to him?

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts and asked, "Does Soda know?"

Cherry said, "Oh, Soda knows. Everybody knows."

She gave me her phone to look at a picture that was posted of Sandy making out with David.

Yep, she's kind of stuck with that.

I smiled to myself thinking - I actually have a chance.

I said, "I have to go."

Marcia replied, "Right now?"

I answered smiling, "Right now."

I gave Cherry her phone back racing to the DX.

When I started approaching the DX, I could see Evie's car.

That's when I noticed they were around the back.

I could hear them talking.

I decided to listen in for a minute.

I heard Evie ask, "And she just ditched you."

He said, "Yeah and she went with David."

Ha, stupid Soc girl.

I came around the corner and said, "She chose him over you?"

All three of them looked at me as if I were a new bacteria scientist have just discovered:

All three of them looked at me as if I were a new bacteria scientist have just discovered:

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I said, "I'm sorry to hear about what Sandy did to ya."

He jumped off the truck he was sitting on, he grabbed my hand, and led me inside the DX.

He gently pushed me up against the wall and looked into my eyes.

My heart was beating out of my chest as I laid a hand on his actual chest.

He whispered to me, "I like you a lot. And I was just worried you didn't like me.

But now I don't care if you like me I just wanted to let you know I'm crazy about ya."

Is this happening?

Is this literally happening?!

I smiled and said, "I'm crazy about you to."

He leaned in to kiss me just when we both hear,

"Ring ring ring"

The bell above the door went off.

A guy came in and asked, "Are you guys still open?"

I kissed his cheek and said, "It's, ok. I have to go work anyways."

He said, "Ok, before you leave, would you consider going on a date with me tomorrow?"

I smiled before leaving and said, "I would love to."

I opened the door and said, "Evie can you drive me to the Dingo?"

She smiled and said, "Sure, I've got to go, but I'll see ya later Stevie."

He smiled back and said, "Alright fine I'll see ya later."

They shared a kiss before she got into the car and drove off.

I asked her, "You and Steve are getting pretty serious huh?"

She shrugged and said, "Maybe a little."

I smiled and said, "Guess who has a date tomorrow?"

She screamed and said, "Soda asked you out?!"

I smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm guessing he has something planned

Because he didn't say where we are going."

She smiled and said, "Ooooh a surprise date how fun!"

She pulled up to the Dingo and said, "After the date, you have to tell me all the details!"

I got out and said, "Ok, I will."

I closed the car door walking inside the Dingo strapping on my uniform getting ready for work.

I have a date with THE Sodapop Curtis.

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Stay Tuned for More!

-Stay Gold

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