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the doorbell rang just as zendaya finished pinning my hair into place. i rushed to it, flattening my skirt and straightening my top as i swung the door open. haz stood on the other side, a bouquet of yellow flowers tucked under his arm. i grinned at him and stepped to the side so he could enter.

"you look incredible, bea," haz breathed out, handing me the flowers.

"you don't look too bad yourself," i giggled. i took the flowers and turned on my heel, intending on putting them in a vase in the kitchen, but zendaya grabbed them before i could go any farther.

"i got this. you two go have fun. don't keep her out to late, harrison. i know where you live," zendaya said playfully and we all laughed.

"shall we?" haz stuck out his hand. i took his hand and we walked out to where his car was. haz opened the door for me, allowing me to get in before closing it behind me and walking over to the driver's side.

we made it to the restaurant in about thirty minutes, making small talk as haz maneuvered through the thick traffic. we talked about our love of traveling, and how i was trying out for a part in some new movie, and how he missed his family in england but was glad that he had got to come to america with tom. the restaurant was a quaint little diner with an antique vibe to it despite the fact that it was practically brand new. our waiter led us to a second floor and seated us at a booth that overlooked a park, taking our orders for both drinks and food soon after.

"this place is incredible, haz. how'd you find out about it?" i asked him, taking a sip of my water. he shrugged, a small smile playing at his lips.

"i've been trying to scout out a place since we went out that time. i saw this when i was out shopping the other day and knew it'd be perfect," he explained, and i nodded along.

we continued to talk about everything and nothing until the waiter arrived with our food, placing the steaming dishes in front of us. "thank you," i smiled at the kid, and he blushed, nodding at me and turning to go to another table.

"he likes you. can't say i blame him, either," haz grinned and i laughed. we began eating, keeping mostly quiet as we did.

when we finished our food, haz insisted on ordering some ice cream, so we talked some more while we ate our dessert. after our bowls were emptied, i tried to insist on paying, but haz shushed me and handed the waiter his card.

"can i take a picture of you? you just look so beautiful," haz asked. i blushed, holding in a giggle as he pulled his phone out.

"if you'd like," i said quietly. i was sitting with my leg up on the bench, elbow resting on my knee, and when i tried to move into another position, haz just laughed and told me to stay exactly like i was.

he took the picture and the waiter returned with haz's card. we left a hefty tip and walked out of the restaurant hand in hand, opting to take a walk to the park we'd seen since it was so nice out. we walked to this huge tree in the middle of the park, sitting at a bench beneath it and watching the sunset. as the sky darkened, haz pulled me up and wrapped me up in a tight hug. i pulled back, bottom lip between my teeth as i slowly moved to bring our lips together.

the kiss was slow and sweet, haz's hands on my cheeks and mine resting on his chest. we broke apart, my cheeks sure to be flaming red as we silently made our way back to haz's car. the drive was silent, the only sounds being that of the radio and me quietly singing along. when we arrived at my place, haz came around and opened the door for me again, walking me to my front door.

"thanks for tonight, haz. i had a really good time," i smiled, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

"i had a great time, too," he smiled. i unlocked my door and, before stepping inside, kissed his cheek and wished him goodnight.

when the door closed, zendaya was immediately on top of me, asking question after question. she pulled me into the living room for an interrogation and we giggled as i told her about the kiss. z and i had just finished getting ready for bed when my phone chimed, and i put it down when i saw tom's name flash across my screen. i flicked the tv on and we fell asleep after three episodes of friends, the last thing going through my mind being tom's name.

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