Music Meister/OMC (The Flash/Supergirl)

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Music Meister^^^

[ Season 3 Flash Spoilers, Season 2 Supergirl spoilers]

When Iris and Mon-El go and confront Music Meister in the metahuman cell, Iris picks up on something. Something that she hadn't seen before.

Small scene reenactment:

"There's someone isn't their?" Iris said. Meisters face goes white and his grin disappeared.

"Does it matter?"

"You know exactly how it feels. You know that if the person you love was in danger you'd do anything to save them."

"I wish I could help but there's nothing can do." Meister shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Iris asked confused.

After Music Meister messes with Barry and Kara and they learn their "lesson".

"Now that that's over, that's something I need from you three..." Meister said gesturing to Barry, Kara and Cisco.

"What do you mean?" Kara asked.

"You expect us to help you after all this?" Barry asked dumbfounded.

"Actually yes. I helped you save your loves, now you can help me save mine." Meister smiled.


Both Kara and Barry furrowed their brows, while everyone else just looked confused. Mon-El and Iris were not as shocked because they already knew their was someone special to Meister...

Meister tells them that his love had been in a coma similar to the ones he can create, but he didn't create it. An ancient time-traveling metahuman did. He was so angry at Meister for stealing from him in the past so he put a spell on his love, one that was similar to ones of Meisters doing; it would haunt him forever that he could create similar prisons, but never enter his lovers'. So he needs Cisco to vibe Barry and Kara into his dream world and wake Paris up.

Barry and Kara agree to help and wake him up. Meister and his lover are so happy to be reunited, but his lover slowly becomes depressed in this new world. It becomes to hard to handle, and results in him and Meister getting into an argument. Paris and Meister decide to spend some time apart. Meister leaves for awhile.

He starts to bond more with Team Flash and soon joins the team. Also because he had powers of his own. He has telepathy and can shoot psychic energy as a weapon. His superhero name that Cisco makes uo is Psiwave.

Timeskip to after Savitar is defeated

Meister returns and asks for Paris 

Psiwave; aka Paris Speare (Below)

Psiwave; aka Paris Speare (Below)

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Extra Scene (for fun):

"You're just a kid!" Barry said shocked.

"What year is it?" Paris asked.

"2017." Iris said. 

"Oh, jeez, really? Well i'm actually 441 years old. I don't age, neither does Meister."

"Wow." Cisco said.


(and another lol I hate myself)

"Your names Paris?" Cisco asked.

"Yeah. Why?" paris asked.

"Like Romeo and Juliet, Paris?" Iris asked.

"You know of my uncles play?" Paris asked shocked.

"Your uncle?! Your uncle's William Shakespeare?!" Caitlin asked. She was shook.

"Yeah, wait, how do you know of my uncle?"

"Long story..." Iris sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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