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Jackbb💘. You

yo we took like 50 pics at drama,
you better post one

and who's this Aaron little boy?


read at 13:18


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courtneyreed: ⭐️, picture by @joe_sugg

View all 51 comments

joe_sugg: straight fire
conormaynard: 🔥
loverspongezoe: jack and now joe omg what is official tho
conorseyeball: there's so much drama in between the lines of you think



DaisyCrow You

hey, just texting you
to say that your
whole thing with Jack
might hurt you
in the end.

And why?

We were kissing a lot in
the club, but he
still carries on flirting
with the both of us

So what are you
doing about this?

Well I'm just blanking
him tbh

Oh okay

Sorry, I didn't know
that he was flirting
with you THAT much, I
just though it was
a playful thing or
something, but now I
know that he's been
playing us both

it's okay, don't need
men in my life
like that:/

I was just warning you
about him

Well, thank you

No problem x


Jackbb💘                                                         You

So you've been getting
off with Daisy?


she just told me mate

she's lying

my sister also told me.

Well she's also lying,
I swear to god

sure whatever, just no
need to lie

I'm not lying though

yeah okay

wtf I swear I'm telling
you the truth

honestly mate why
would my sister lie

I don't know


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