An interview with Le_Muslim

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This interview was conducted by Xwryr1 with the permission of Jannah96, and on behalf of Muslims_Ink. The interviewee understands that everything he/she says can and will be used against him/her in the court of justi- oops, wrong speech. What I meant was, the interviewee consents to the use of their words and answers in this interview. Furthermore, the interviewee understands that the purpose of this interview is to "introduce" the author (i.e. his/herself) to our community of readers here. Therefore some questions will be personal, and some will be about their works. It was with this understanding that the interview was conducted.


Xwryr1: Okay, so first off, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. Thank you for agreeing to this interview; we hope it will be of benefit to you, to us, and to our readers InShaAllah. Now, let's get right to it. Name, age, country?

Jannah96: Janni Banani ^-^, I'm 17 and I'm from Brownieville. Lol, lemme be serious XD. My name is Jannah and I'm 17 and I live in Georgia, USA ^_^. Can I do faces and lols?

Xwryr1: I'm putting everything you say.

Jannah96: Nooooo! Lol, I don't want people to know I'm crazy!

Xwryr1: XD

Jannah96: You blah bum!

Xwryr1: Hold on, mom's bugging about trash :/

Jannah96: Okay, lol.

Xwryr1: Okay, so Janni, how'd I get into writing? Guess correctly and you get a biscuit. Jk. How'd U get into writing?

Jannah96: Don't nobody want your stale crunchy biscuit XD When I was younger, I would write but I wasn't really INTO it. They had us writing stories in school and that was pretty cool, I guess. But when I was like 12 or 13, I started writing again. I really enjoyed it, lol. I'd write a whole lot and then read it to my siblings and cousins...Those were my only viewers at the time lol. But then after a few years of tha,t I stopped writing because I didn’t really have time for it. But then I started up again.

Xwryr1: Wow, do you write your stories with that grammar? Tsk tsk. What'd you used to write about?

Jannah96: Yes, I do write my stories like that XD You should know, bum. And my stories would be about the same things I write about now, I guess.  Just a bit different.

Xwryr1: Do your writings reflect on your life? Which, if any, of your works do you feel most reflects on your life?

Jannah96: I always put little bits of my life into my stories. Like I put some of my memories of past experiences and make them a little part of the story. I also put a bit of myself in my main characters.

Xwryr1: Interesting. So does that mean that like Jazirah, you can't cook? Or like Chase, you like to run a lot?

Jannah96: Uh, I can cook! Buuuuut.... I will admit that I forget about the food sometimes... And it gets burnt lol. And Chase is short like me lol. I don't like to run XD

Xwryr1: Okay, so you sorta answered this already with that last one, but do you have any characters specifically based on yourself? Maybe a character whose life portrays your own?

Jannah96: None of my characters' lives are really similar to mines. As I said before, I just put bits of myself and my life into the story. If the story was about me,it'd be sooooo boring XD

Xwryr1: Well, if you ever do decide to write that sooooooo boring story, be sure to include this interview XD

Jannah96: Lol I will not write a story about myself, so don't count on it lol.

Xwryr1: Okay, so Ms. Banani, give us a list of your top 5 favorite authors on wattpad.

Jannah96: Hold on. Lemme make sure I get their usernames right. Ok so there's just sooooooooooo many amazing authors on wattpad that I like, so it's kinda hard to pick just five out lol. But anyways,

-I love @Kittycracker's story. She makes her characters realistic, because life isn't a fairytale lol
-@Firelight's story "A Muslim Girl's Love Story" is really funny and even though most of her chapters are short I enjoy them a lot!
-@Xwryr1's story "Native Deen" is really kick butt and actionie (DO NOT CORRECT ME) and there isn't any Islamic stories on wattpad that I know of like that. But that guy - so jk XD
-Both of @Asiya323's stories are awesome and complete! I can't wait until she starts Al-Andalus ^-^
-Lastly, @Purityinmyheart! I love her story! Her story was one of the first I read on here and I loved every bit!!

Xwryr1: Okay, now, what is your all-time favorite story on wattpad?

Jannah96: That's sooooooo hard to pick though!

Xwryr1: I know >:)

Jannah96: Hmmmmm. I'm gonna pick "Demons of My Past" by @Asiya323 because it's completed and it was simply amazing! It was kinda like a thriller lol. _____ was scary! I didn’t even think he was ______________! (Sorry folks, I can't post the spoilers she just said)


Jannah96: Oops :O

Xwryr1: Tsk tsk

Jannah96: lol

Xwryr1: I'm blocking it out.

Jannah96: Lol ok

Xwryr1: How or why did you join wattpad? Have you joined other writing websites? What's different here?

Jannah96: I joined wattpad just to read. At first, I didn’t even have an account lol. Then months later I made one, and then months after that I decided to post a story, which was "Hidden Pearl." I had joined this other lame writing website some lameO told me about lol. I don't use it. I think I might delete it actually. It's really boring and I just ain't feeling it lol

Xwryr1: What is the lame website and what lameO recommended it? lol

Jannah96: This bum named Muhammad. It was  It's so confusing and I couldn't find anything on it lol. Lame site for lame people lol

Xwryr1: Blah. What, if anything, do you feel is unique about your writings? Do you think they stand out from all the other stories here?

Jannah96: Hmmmmmmm, idk lol. I guess everyone's story is a bit unique (even if they may be cliché lol), just because everyone is different. I don't think my stories stands out like BAM or anything though lol.

Xwryr1: What 3 authors would you recommend everyone check out on wattpad, besides yourself?

Jannah96: Three authors I think everyone should check out are, @Yannabella, @Diamondinthenorm, aaaaaaand @Yohabibti. Can I recommend some poets, too?

Xwryr1: Okay, no problem

Jannah96: @I_m397, @ModestMuslimah, @Literarylady97, @Fsunny17, @spoken, @Girlwithpearl

Xwryr1: How often do you read, on and off wattpad?

Jannah96: I read on wattpad a lot. Before I came across wattpad I used to read a whole lot, but now that I've found wattpad, it's pretty rare that I read off of wattpad for leisure.

Xwryr1: Who is your favorite author outside of wattpad?

Jannah96: Besides Allah....Hmmmmm idk lol, there's so many good authors out there.

Xwryr1: Well, obviously that goes without saying. Pick one.

Jannah96: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, thinking lol... Todd Strasser is a good author

Xwryr1: Todd Strasser it is. Next question: If someone else were to write a story about your life, how would they describe your character? Give us a paragraph or few short lines to describe it.

Jannah96: Hmmmmm, a short African-American girl whoooooo likes to talk a lot?? Idk lol

Xwryr1: Um....idt I’ll read that book.... The main character sounds boring and bland...jk lol

Jannah96:  XD You'll be missing out, lol, but lameOs can't read it lol

Xwryr1: Suuuure...anyhow, what would you say is the most exciting thing about your life?

Jannah96: Omggg! Why are you asking me this?? Lol nothing is lol

Xwryr1: Because we're getting the readers familiar with you lol. Now, moving on. Do your writings ever affect your life?
Jannah96: Hmmmm, kinda sorta lol

Xwryr1: Explain please lol

Jannah96: Sometimes, if I think a lot about my stories and stuff, or sometimes I put things aside to write but it doesn't really affect it in a major way...

Xwryr1: Does your family, or do your friends and the people you know in real life read your works? If not, why not?

Jannah96: Some of my family read my stories and poetry and most of my friends do lol

Xwryr1: What is your goal with writing? Do you just do it for fun? Is it a hobby to take you away from the stress or struggles of life? Is it a career goal?

Jannah96: I write for fun and it's like an escape kinda sorta to my old little world where I'm engulfed in other people's problems instead of my own lol. I've had some people say I should publish my complete story buuuuuut idk. Allahu Alim. We'll see in the future InSha'Allah

Xwryr1: What's the last book you read on wattpad?

Jannah96: The last book I read on wattpad was Kittycracker's "A Muslim's Romantic Journey." I was so happy she updated ^-^ Safia ------SPOILERS---- Yusuf! And I was like "YOU GO GUUUUURL!!!" lol

Xwryr1: Pick one line from one of your stories that you think sums up the entire story.

Jannah96: One line that tells what the story is basically about?

Xwryr1: Yep.

Jannah96: So just one sentence or can it be more than one?

Xwryr1: Well, we'd prefer just one but if you must do two that's fine. Three is the maximum though.

Jannah96: "...Searching without knowing..." That's from Dear 21 years old me when Nadia was reflecting back on her life.

Xwryr1: Interesting. Now, pick one line from one of your stories that you think best describes or fits your life.

Jannah96: Hmmmmm... I'll have to think harder on that...One sec

Xwryr1: Lol okay, take your time. Just don't fall asleep -.-

Jannah96: It's not really a line, but the chapter where Jazirah's grandfather is always calling her Jazmine lol. My grandpa does that. He calls me Janis instead of Jannah, even though he can properly pronounce my name...Or the chapter where Jazirah kicked Daneen out of her room...I always do that XD

Xwryr1: You always argue with your friends and "THIS IS SPARTAAAA" them out of your room?

Jannah96: WHAAAAAAT??? She didn't say that and she doesn't always argue with her friends XD Is this one of your lame references?? Lol

Xwryr1: _-_ You said she kicked her friend out of her room, then you said you always do that. So you kick your friends out of your room all the time. Moving onto question number 20. Are you tired of this interview?

Jannah96: Lol, not all the time! I just say get out and people don't leave anyways, or else I'm just joking with them. Am I tired of this interview?! Heck yeah! Lol nah, I'm joking lol. What kinda question is that though?

Xwryr1: A random one :P Moving on, do you ever include Islamic themes into your works? Is it subliminal (as in something that happens just because the characters happen to be Muslim but it has no significance, such as someone giving salaam to another character) or blatant da’wah (such as something being mentioned about Islam or Muslims with the intention of giving da’wah to your readers)?

Jannah96: It really depends on which story. I guess I do both in different stories. For example, in "Street Runner," "Dear 21 Years Old Me," "Fate," and "Victoria's Secret," there will be a lot of da’wah in it, InShaAllah, since the main characters are learning about Islam.

Xwryr1: Cool, that's great. And these are the stories that have plots NonMuslims and Muslims will enjoy and be interested in, so you're giving da’wah to the NonMuslims and giving a reminder to the Muslims. May Allah reward you for that. Ameen.

Jannah96: Yeaaah. Ameen lol
Xwryr1: Which story, from the Quran or hadith, about a Prophet or any righteous person of the past do you like most?

Jannah96: The most recent one that I heard and absolutely loved was the story that you had put in "The Legendary Warriors" about Az-Zubayr ibn Al-Awwam (ra) and how he was soooo young and yet so brave! SubhanAllah, I think he's an excellent role model for all the young people out there. Lemme think of another one because I have it but ugghhhh I don't have it lol

Xwryr1: Lol, okay.

Jannah96: Ohh! I also love the story of the youth in the cave! They were also really brave and strong in their deen! Imagine leaving your town because people were out to get you, because of what you believed in; and then imagine going to sleep, only to wake up in a totally different time! That would've been so scary! But SubhanAllah! Ohhhh!!! And the story of Prophet Ayyub (pbuh)!!

Xwryr1: Stooooop!!! I said ONE!

JANNAH96: Blah. But I love how his wife stuck by him through everything!

Xwryr1: >:(

Jannah96: Lol whaaaaat?!

Xwryr1: NEXT QUESTION: Are you hungry right now? What's the last thing you ate? What's your favorite food?

Jannah96: No, I'm not hungry atm. The last thing I ate was an apple lol, I shared it with my wittle brudder. Hmmmmmmm....are brownies a food?

Xwryr1: Yes.

Jannah96: I love/hate brownies lol

Xwryr1: o.O?

Jannah96: Lol. They make me sick after I eat too many, and I have a headache and feel dizzy. Brownie overdose

Xwryr1: Time for this author to go to rehab lol... Next question, do you ever get or have you ever gotten FCE (fictional character envy)? Tell us about it

Jannah96: Rehab?? Imma beat you up lol. FCE...hmmmm... Yes I do actually! I'm so envious of Jannah in Native Deen because she got to see Ishaq, the love of my life (at the moment lol) even though she really can't SEE him because of his turban wrapped around his face >.> Annnnnd hmmmm.... I'm trying to think of something else

Xwryr1: XD lolololololololol okay.... what else lol

Jannah96: I have FCE with Ibtihaj because she has a real twin and they have super cool twin abilities....XD Ok, seriously though, I wish my parents would let me drive like their parents let them :'( So sad, I know....oh, aannnnnnnd I'm envious of another character too!!

Xwryr1: Can you reach the pedals? I mean, you did say 'short African-American girl who talks a lot...' lol... Who else?

Jannah96: In "Married to the Criminal of Stealing Hearts", Liyana married Khuttab when she knew good and ell that that was my man!! She was so wrong for that X'O And lol yes I can!

Xwryr1: You and your spoilers lol.

Jannah96: Oopsie. But she's already married to him in like the first chapter though lol

Xwryr1: Next question, besides reading/writing, what do you like to do for fun? And how was he yours when he was barely introduced and she married him -_-

Jannah96: I love love love to do DIY projects ^-^ and I love making baby girls' headbands and shopping, and sometimes doing people's hair, and acting retarded and playing with Benji (my kitty) and talking to our parrot and texting and talking and yeeeeeeeaaaah. There's a lot of stuff lol. I could go on and onnnn...Because I said so! I love him and she knew it; yet she still took him from meeee X'O

Xwryr1: Lol, no that's quite enough lol. And what about Ishaq?? Blah, nvm, moving on... If there's one thing that our readers should know about you, what is it?

Jannah96: Ishaq is my baby now, because that chick stole my other one. And don't get me started on Rukayah stealing my Lut!

Xwryr1: Didn't I say "nvm, moving on" -_-

Jannah96: Hmm... They should know that I hate editing my stories lol. And I snort when I laugh sometimes XD but I don’t think they NEED to know that, sooo...

Xwryr1: Well, they know it now lol

Jannah96: Blah lol... Oh, and that I can be random. I should've put that instead lol

Xwryr1: It's all there lol. And now for question number 27. Would you share with us a funny incident from your life?

Jannah96: Hmmm, there's quite a few so lemme think about which one I wanna share with everyone lol

Xwryr1: Okay, but remember, JUST ONE -_-

Jannah96: OKAAAAAY lol.... Ok, something funny....Well idk if this is funny to you all, but when I was little me and my siblings were bit wild XD. Our backyard was really big and our house was up on a hill. We had this big round bin we could fit in and we would put one of us inside and then push it down the hill XD. Whoever was in the bin would have to hold on to the side of the bin, so of course their fingers would get crushed as they rolled down, ROFL but they wouldn't or couldn't let go or they'd roll out of the bin. lol Then there was a tree at the bottom of the hill, so they'd stop by bashing into the tree XD,  and we'd do it over and over again no matter how dizzy we got. lol

Xwryr1: ROFL?? You're an adult now, get up out of that bin and stop rolling, you bum. Lol not exactly the kind of story I was expecting though, but it works lol

Jannah96: XD I don’t do that anymore! If I did I'd roll right into the creek in the back of our house XD and I am not an adult, you bum!

Xwryr1: Legally, you are lol. Anyways, do you like school? What're your favorite and least favorite subjects?

Jannah96: I'm not claiming adulthood until I’m 21

Xwryr1: Lol. Why not?

Jannah96: I'm not in school, so haha lol.  But when I was, I liked science just because the teacher was cool and let us color like kindergartners lol. And cause adults are lame and boring lol

Xwryr1: Lol. And your most hated was?

Jannah96: Oh, my most hated subject was history. And I hated the teacher, so I hated that class. Oh! And PE XD

Xwryr1: HOW DARE YOU HATE HISTORY?!!! Also, you're lazy lol

Jannah96: It's boring lol. And the teacher made it worse.... I am??? *gasp* I didn't know that o.o

Xwryr1: I...I don't think we can continue this. I can't interview or associate with a lazy, history hating bum!!!!  Jk lol, next question, what are your career goals and more importantly your life goals?

Jannah96: Ughhh, why does everyone ask thaaaaaat _-_ InSha'Allah I wanna go to school for nursing, because I like helping people in need. One of my life goals is to visit Makkah and just travel to different places. I would love to travel to places and visit people less fortunate than me and help out there and just experience a different lifestyle... Another goal of mine, is that I want to adopt children and raise them up to be proper Muslims aaaaand yeaaaahh... I don’t really have that many goals but yeah, these are some of things that I would love to accomplish.

Xwryr1: MaShaAllah, such beautiful goals!!! May Allah give you success in all that you strive to do. Ameen. Okay, next question. Are you ready? It's a big one. You ready? You ready?!

Jannah96: YESSSS!!! IM READY!! ARE YOU??

Xwryr1: WHAT....IS....

Jannah96: My favorite type of water? My name? My birthday?

Xwryr1: YOUR....

Jannah96: What is what??


Jannah96: BLAAAAACK ^-^

Xwryr1: RACIST!!! Jk lolol

Jannah96: LMBO

Xwryr1: Okay, question 31: Are you ready for 29 more questions?

Jannah96: Yeah, I can go on forever ^-^

Xwryr1: Too bad, that's the last one XD. Go home, get out of our studio! Get! Go! Shoo!

Jannah96: So mean!

Xwryr1: lol. Any last words to our readers?

Jannah96: This interviewer is the nicest, most awesomest person ever! I want to be just like him when I grow up ^-^

Xwryr1: Someday. Just stay in school, eat your veggies, exercise daily, and don’t use double superlatives in your writing, and you too can be an xwarrior....who changes his name for reasons >.> Salaam.

Jannah96: Salaaaaaams ^-^


Muslims_Ink would like to thank Jannah96 for taking the time to do this interview with us, and we hope all of you readers enjoyed it. Go and check out Jannah96's works; she's got great stories and poems on her page, so have look, follow her if you like, or just drop by to say Salaams to your sister. Thank you for reading the first of many of our Author Interviews, we'll see you in the next one.


---The Muslims_Ink Team---

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