BOXES (Oneshot)

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The Wagner couple worriedly looked into the transparent box that is the incubator, praying for the survival of a premature baby who will be christened as Thomas Wagner.

Little Tommy Wagner, age eighteen months, pressed his face between the wooden bars of his crib, conforming to his instinctive urge to get out of the box he is in.

Glumly, Tommy picked up his newly-bought pair of shoes out of its box. It was his first day in school and he didn’t want to go.

Tommy beamed in glee as he peeked into the box that contained Santa’s gift for him during that Christmas eve.

 His daddy got a new job in Montana, so they had to leave the old place. Tommy stuffed his things in a big box and made sure he hadn’t forgotten to pack everything.

His mother stared with judging eyes as she showed Tommy a box full of Playboy magazines that she has found inside his closet.

Tommy carefully handed the box filled with his old toys to the guy at the thrift shop and then silently bade those toys his final goodbyes as he left his childhood behind the shop’s dirty glass door.

As he dipped his hand into the exorbitantly-priced box of popcorn, Tommy glanced at Tina and wished he had dated Shane instead. Or someone else who is not into sappy romantic films.

Holding a large box in front of him, Tommy shoved open the door of his dorm room: the room that served as his home for four years.

Tommy, along with the others in the frat house, swooned when a large box with pink ribbons on it opened to reveal three women in different stages of undress.

Bored inside the class, Tommy looked forward to the day where he can finally leave that concrete box they called a ‘classroom’.  

It’s Tommy’s first paycheck, so he had to (unwillingly) throw a small house-party with his co-workers. He picked up the last lice of pizza from its box before taking a swig from a bottle of Coors Light.

Tommy can barely see the faces of the ballerinas on the Upper Box B that he is in. He was never a fan of ballet, but he’s just too glad that he chose this over the cinema because beside him, Lena seemed so adorably happy watching the show.

It’s been five years, and Tommy thought it was the right time to do it, so in front of all the people in Lena’s photo exhibit, he knelt down in front of her and opened a small red box that contained a ring.

She said yes.

The newlyweds, Tommy and Lena, moved into a box-shaped duplex with a greenhouse on the rooftop: Lena’s preference, of course.

When Tommy pulled up on the driveway riding a brand-new Jeep Cherokee, Lena laughed so hard, and said that she’d rather take the subway than share a ride with him in that ‘box’. Of course she was kidding.

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