Chapter Twenty Two: Call me Jim

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Before I get started I just wanted to let you guys know that this story will be ending soon (maybe like three or four chapters I'm not sure) which is surprising because I thought I was gonna give up on this ages ago. No matter, I continued it and now it's nearly finished. There'll be more details at the end of the chapter.

I also changed the cover but idk how much I like it. Ah well, I think it'll be okay for now. Anyways, you can actually read the chapter now XD

You smiled to yourself as you brought Sebastian to the ground for the fifth time in half an hour. It'd been a week or so since you'd been taken in by Moriarty you were feeling more at home than you ever had anywhere else. Not that you'd admit that to either of the men.

Sebastian stood up and rubbed his jaw, opening and closing his mouth gingerly.
"It's almost like you're trying to kill me." You shrug and turn away. Despite beginning to enjoy yourself, you weren't yet ready to give into these people or talk to them properly. He sighed but didn't say anything else, just got into a fighting stance and waited for you to copy him. You shook your head.

"I'm gonna take a break if that's okay." Sebastian nodded and pointed to his watch.
"Come back in like twenty minutes, I have more moves I wanna show you." You nod and brush past him, opening the door to the training area and shutting it quietly after you. The hallways were deserted, nobody in sight. Usually there'd be all kinds of criminals and top spies roaming the corridors, either on guard or planning their next move. Today however, the place was empty.

As you walked you stared about you at the mansion that had become your home in such a short space of time. Even thought the house looked glamorous and sparklingly new from a distance, once you were up close you could see the true state it was in.

Cracks spidered along walls and ceilings in perfect zigzagging patterns. Dust and cobwebs clung to corners of rooms and dusty shelves for dear life, coating them with a thin line of grey. Beneath the recently washed carpets and rugs were all kinds of miscellaneous items such as missing buttons, odd change, a variety of dead insects and so on. In your eyes it made the house seem more ordinary. It too had its imperfections like any normal thing.

You stopped by a window after walking fro a few minutes. From here you could just about see how unkempt the garden was and the way weeds had erupted from the ground, disturbing the flowers around it. Soil was spilled around the flower beds from where animals had grabbed at seeds fallen from trees that grew nearby. Even the trees themselves had an element of chaos to them; their branches splaying off in different directions with no sense of order, leaves tugging against the spindly twigs that held them in place.

You sighed and stretched out, preparing to go back to the training area and to beat Sebastian once again. It was just too easy. As you pulled away from the window a voice called out after you. You turned with a frown to Moriarty walking down the corridor towards you.
"Y/N wait!" He said loudly, his voice cutting through the tranquillity of the moment like a knife through butter.

"Can I help you?" You asked irritably, wanting to get back to training as soon as possible. Moriarty raised an eyebrow at your tone of voice and tutted at you.
"That's not how you speak to the man who could have you killed any time he pleases." You try to hold back the insults that threaten to spew from your mouth and instead nod your head apologetically.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking." He shrugged but failed to hide the victorious smirk that almost spread across his face.
"No matter, I only wanted to congratulate you." On seeing your confused expression he smiled and elaborated. "Sebastian has told me how well you've been doing in training. I know you don't trust us, or at least, you don't trust me, but maybe in the future you can be of use to us."

"I imagine by that you mean I can help you take down your opponents." You stated, not allowing yourself the chance to look nervous or scared. You couldn't let a Moriarty see your weaker side. He chuckled darkly.
"Clever girl."

A moment of silence then passed between the two of you before he broke it again.
"Well, I'd better be off. So nice to have had a proper chat." He then turned on his heel and started off down the hall.
"Goodbye Mr Moriarty." You could almost hear him rolling his eyes and he momentarily turned around again to say,
"Call me Jim.", before disappearing down the corridor.

You watched him go with a silly smile on your face.
"Okay then I will...Jim."

A/N (I know this chapter wasn't very long but it was more of a filler (another one ikr) but bear with me). Okay so here are the details: this story will be finishing soon (as you probably gathered) so be prepared. People might ask so I thought I'd make this clear now. There won't be a sequel. I have an ending planned and I feel like if I make a sequel it'll a) make things more complicated and b) not really work with the plot, so sorry but that's just the way things are. That's pretty much everything I have to say so I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya later. Baiii-L

Jim Moriarty: I. Own. You.  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now