Chapter Twelve

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I laughed so hard, lemonade nearly ran down my nose. Liv was back and as promised, had introduced me to the delights of American comedy sketch TV shows. We had sat all evening on my sofa, curled up under a blanket, chocolate, sweets and pop piled in little mountains between us.

"I can't believe we didn't have shows like this in England!" I said as the show came to an end and the credits ran. I switched the TV off to avoid the cringeworthy commercials that would inevitably follow to bridge the gap between shows.

"I guess we just do some things a lot better." Liv shrugged, smirking as I threw sweets at her in protest.

"You have yet to taste my cooking! Only after you have tried my roast dinner with Yorkshire puddings will I let you decide which country is better.

"I will take you up on that. As much as I crave the deliciousness of processed sugar, a real meal is occasionally needed." Liv laughed, popping a bright orange candy into her mouth.

I had enjoyed the evening with her, laughing and eating unhealthy food like a kid again instead of focusing on the changes in my life and the duty I now held.

The distraction only lasted that one evening though, the next day I was back to saving lives. I checked on the lives of mum, dad and sis every evening now. Flicking through their photos, clicking onto the familiar faces of old and distant friends who came up on their profiles. I was wallowing in self- pity, grieving my old life. In mourning for my old self.

My only consolation and distraction was my new job and my new friends.

Perhaps I was naive in thinking Death and I really would become best friends. I hadn't seen him in over a week. No more random stopping by for a beer, food and someone to talk to.

I missed him.

But he was a man with a purpose, and I was beginning to realise how he had become so lonely.

I messaged him after a few days to ask how he was. Under my phone contacts I had put him under 'D', not really relishing the idea of explaining why I was texting Death If anyone ever saw his name flash up. All I got was a simple thumbs up in reply.

I invited him for dinner at the weekend. All I got was a maybe back.

Texting him every day, I ended up telling him about my day. If he wanted a little space, he could have it. But I wasn't going to leave him alone, as his newly self-appointed best friend it was my duty to make sure he knew I was there for him.


Afternoon! Just jumped to the south of the city, you know, the area with the weird statue outside the old building with the peeling paint? It's supposed to be arty apparently... I really need to start learning the name of these places. The girl I saved had just got out of an abusive relationship, we chatted, she's so lovely but the guy she was with really did a number on her. Do you have powers to smite people down, or is that just god? Anyway, I'm cooking pizza for dinner if you want to join me, there's a cold beer or two in the fridge with your name on!


Morning! Long-time no see! I saved a little boy today. That was a shock to the system. He's being bullied at school and everyone in his year are telling him he would be better off dead- just because he plays the piano. He played for me. I cried. It was messy. Ended up coming home and writing an official looking letter to his parents, telling them he's won a scholarship to the music school in the city centre. I've paid the school from my accounts. I hope that's OK. There's more money in there than I could ever use. Steak and chips for dinner tonight, the beer still has your name on it.


Morning! Bonjour! Jumped to a lovely old French lady today. All her family are in France and her and her husband moved her 20 years ago for a fresh start. She is a widow, and the sweetest old lady ever. she reminded me of my Nan. We have arranged to have a cup of tea next week, she wants to show me her wedding photo album and I've asked her to teach me French. She is so frail. Do you know how long she has left? Would be nice to be able to make her last moments happy ones. The beer in the fridge literally has your name on them now. I've written it in sharpie to stop myself from drinking it.

I need to find a new coping mechanism. Alcohol isn't great is it. Maybe chocolate. Have you finished your cake yet?! Thinking of baking another...


FYI, if you don't reply by the end of the week, I'm jumping to see you. Want to make sure you are OK. I met up with Liv this morning for breakfast at the Pancake House next to her campus. I had the best pancakes EVER. You need to try them. I think you would like Liv, she has a dry sense of humour that started to come through now we are good friends. We will be there again next week if you decide we should indulge in the best pancakes EVER without you... :)


Hi. The pancakes sound good. Maybe I will join you. I do not socialise with mortals, they tend to take one look at me and flee. So we will see. I've been busy. Souls don't reap themselves you know. The money is yours to use as you see fit. I don't care what you do with it.


Would be so good to see you! Loose the cloak and scythe? Can't imagine why people would be afraid of you wearing that. (I'm being sarcastic... you can never tell over text.) Wear some jeans and a nice jumper! Your fun to be around, don't worry about people not wanting to be around you.




By the way... The old French Lady was due to go in three months, she just gained two years. I expect you will be fluent in French by then.

Depression is hard for people to break out of quickly

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Depression is hard for people to break out of quickly. Its a long process, even with the right help. Just showing someone that you are there for them whenever they need you, and that you haven't forgotten or abandoned them is a great thing to do. Remember that constant reassurance they are going to be OK, that they are welcome in your life and that they matter can make a big difference. 

Loneliness is also a HUGE deal, in every single country around the world. Our elderly are often alone, and during the holiday season they can be forgotten. Simply by inviting your elderly neighbour around, or popping in on them to see if they are OK and can access any support they may need, can make a huge difference to their quality of life.

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