The Day I Met the Zorons

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One day in early August my partner James Mason and I witnessed something very out of the ordinary. It all started when we received a call about a kidnapped child. We work at a detective agency in the town of Worthington, Pennsylvania. We always get calls about kidnapped children and they always end up the same. It normally ends with the kid playing at the park or they went to a friends house and never told their parents. James and I decided to hurry up and just check out every park in town.

We were looking for a 10 year old boy with brown hair and brown eyes, his name was Jeremy. He wasn't at any of the parks in town so we went to some of his closest friends houses. He also wasn't at any of their houses. We wondered where he could be. While we were sitting in our car we saw a black 2010 Tahoe drive by and pick up a kid waiting for the school bus.

We thought it was really strange and out of the ordinary, so we followed the Tahoe. We reached a red stoplight and James looked in the car, Jeremy and about four other kids were sitting in the back. We trailed the car for a while until he pulled into the Royal Crown Casino. We drove around for a little then we decided it was safe to pull into the parking lot. We parked close to the exit just in case we needed a fast escape. James got out of the car first to see if the coast was clear, it was so I hopped out of our car and I went into the casino. I started playing the slots so I blended in, or because I might have a slight gambling problem. James walked around looking for the mysterious kidnapper. I heard our code word "danburry" and I looked around for James I spotted him by a poker table. I saw the look on his face and I knew he had found the guy. The guy was in his mid thirties, he was wearing a black suit and a black fedora. He looked like the type of man you would see in an old Al Capone movie.

I took a seat at the poker table in front of him, he glared at me. I said hello and I told him my name. He glared at me for a little while longer then he introduced himself to me. His name was Shawn Dickens. I took my chances and I asked him about the kids. He politely said that he needed the kids, and he would return them as soon as he finished what needed to be done. It was strange how polite but weird he acted. He kind of creeped me out. I told him that he couldn't take the kids and he made a deal. The deal stated that if I won I would take the children and if he won he would take them. I was hesitant at first but then I agreed because I am pretty good at poker.

The dealer dealt the cards. I recieved a king of hearts and and nine of spades. I wasn't very happy with my hand, but I had to hope that something would come up that would be good for my hand. The first three cards were flipped: the Queen of hearts, jack of hearts, and a six of spades. My hand was looking okay so I bid; he bid back. The final cards were being flipped and I was shaking like crazy. An ace of diamonds and a Queen of diamonds were turned. We both flipped our cards and I was hoping that I beat him. He had the Queen of spades and the Queen of clubs; I lost. I couldn't believe that I lost! My heart broke and I felt like I could die. I didn't know what Shawn would do to Jeremy and the other kids! I felt scared for them. I stood up from the table with the help of James. He had a crooked smile on his face which made me feel uncomfortable.

"Good game." Said Shawn

"Yeah, you too." I said with a sad tone in my voice

James and I walked out of the casino empty handed. We sat in our car for what seemed like forever when we finally saw Shawn walk out of the casino. We were waiting for him so then we could follow him and try to take the kids back. We weren't giving up that easily. Shawn drove out of the parking lot and we trailed behind. We drove for about forty-five minutes until Shawn pulled off into an open field in the middle of nowhere.

He hopped out of his car and so did all of the children. He said that he expected us to follow him. Shawn proceeded to tell us all about how he could use adults for his project too. Shawn pressed a button on his watch and a door opened up out of nowhere. There was an invisible spaceship parked in the middle the open field. He invited us in and we agreed because we really needed to get those kids back. Once we were inside the spaceship Shawn pressed another button on his watch, he transformed into an ugly alien type creature. He was dark purple and his skin looked like sand paper, he had claw like hands and one foot. He said that they call themselves the Zorons and they were from the planet Zoresium. James and I were in awe because we had never seen anything like it before, let alone we've never seen an alien before!

Once we were done being awestruck, we asked what he planned to do with us and the kids. He said that their planet worships kids and their king just turned thirteen. Their king wasn't a kid anymore, so they needed a new one. He said that they could use us adult humans to take care of the children. The reason that they captured more than one kid was because they are very picky and they like to have options. We told him to stop and return the kids back home but he declined. Shawn pulled out a tranquilizer gun and shot all of us. A few hours later James and I found ourselves locked in a cell. I always keep a lock picker in my pocket so I easily got out. After I got James's open we started to look around for any signs of the children. There was music coming from one of the rooms so James and I decided to go in. We opened the door to find a huge arena, and in the middle of the arena the kids were standing there alongside of Shawn. We ran for the center of the arena, they had already seen us come in so there was really nothing else to do. Once we got to the center Shawn gave us back the four kids, but he kept Jeremy.

"We need Jeremy back." I exclaimed

"You can't have him back, he is our new king." Shawn said

They were in the middle of king corination. At that moment I didn't know what to do, so I pulled out a tranquilizer gun that I found and I shot Shawn. I yelled at all of the kids to run for the exit and they obeyed. We kept running and running until we reached the door to get out of the spaceship. I pulled on it and it surprisingly opened. We looked outside and we were still in the same spot. We were lucky that it was in the same spot because if it wasn't we would never get back home. We crawled out of the spaceship and we ran back to our car. While we were in the car I quickly called the office and the cops, I told them to here as soon as possible.

Right as they got there a heard of Zorons poured out of the spaceship. We put down our weapons and they put down theirs. I went up to Shawn and I made a deal with him. The deal was that they could never come back to earth ever again and if they were to the consequences would be big. I think that kind of shook them up because they agreed and they got back in their spaceship and left. I never saw them ever again after that. That day was definitely one of my weirdest, but I am surprised how easily I got those kids back. It kind of worries me, it's almost like Shawn wanted us to do all of that. I feel like we were just peices in his board game and he was just using us for a bigger more destructive project.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2014 ⏰

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