Chapter 5

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"Adeline, wake up."

I lifted my head, my eyes blinking wearily and trying to look at who had woken me up. The curtains were closed and it was still dark inside, but luckily I recognised the voice.

"Bex." I whispered out, and before I knew it, I had brought her into a tight hug. "How's Jaxon? I hope he doesn't blame me."

"He doesn't. Don't worry, after Dexter had beat him up a little, Blackstorm came and told him to stop. We all know Jaxon's gay, so he wouldn't have even gotten beat that much anyways."

"I'm so glad, how are you?"

"I'm sorry that I didn't help either of you. I was scared and didn't know what I could've done to help. And then I couldn't find you the next day and rumours started that you were locked in a cage, and when I didn't see you the day after, I believed them."

"It's fine Bex, I'm just happy that neither of you were hurt that much. I am a little hurt that I got out yesterday, and you're only coming to see me now." I joked, whilst I gave her smaller hand a light squeeze. "Can I go back to sleep now?"

Bex suddenly jumped. "No! You have to come with me, Beck told me to wake you up. It's an emergency!" She hissed loudly, making a few people shush her. "Come on." She dragged me up. "No, there's no time for that!" She whispered as I tried to put on my robe.

And soon, we were racing through the corridors of all the rooms, finally going outside, the wind howling loudly and whipping my hair everywhere.

Bex pulled me along, around the toilet buildings and around to the side of the giant pack house until we stopped in front of three blocks of buildings, all with the same appearance.

Beck and Dexter were already sitting on the floor outside the first building, their faces also looking sleepy.

"What's going on?" I asked, my arms wrapped around myself as my teeth chattered.

"Valaine is in labour."

"Then why am I here?" I asked, genuinely confused, as Beck laughed at me.

"Because you're the baby daddy's mate and future Luna, so it's customary for you to be here to welcome your step-children." Dexter replied, his tone telling us how much he didn't want to be on the floor, outside, at night.

I listened closely. "Why isn't she screaming or anything?"

"Doc gave her same medication or something, forgot what it's cold. Why aren't you wearing shoes, or a robe?"

I gestured to a sheepish looking Bex. "She didn't allow me to, just dragged me out, just like everybody else here."

I sighed and sat down next to Dexter, too tired to feel uncomfortable. He probably also felt too tired as he hadn't said anything offensive. Yet.

I assume the Alpha, my mate, is probably also in the hospital with Valaine.

I leant my head back onto the building, closing my eyes, my legs drawn up to my chest, and before I knew it, I was drowsing back off with no care in the world.

"What are you idiots doing?" I heard a cold, familiar voice snap out, my eyes instantly opening but my body still unresponsive as something shifted underneath me.

I looked up to see him already staring down at me with hatred in his eyes. Great, what had I done now?

"Have they come out yet?" Dexter asked, as I inwardly rolled my eyes at his stupid question.

"Beta." He growled back angrily, making me tense up at the alpha tone.

I looked back at my mate's face to see him glaring at the space in between Dexter and I.


My eyes snapped back down, instantly seeing my bare legs resting on Dexter's legs, his arm thrown carelessly around my feet and my arm on his. Then I realised we were both resting our heads against each other, and I immediately jumped up, a wave of dizziness flying through my head as I wobbled uncertainly on my feet.

Well, that was until a hand wrapped itself around me and steadied me; judging by the sparks erupting, it was him.

I muttered a quick thanks as my balance was restored again, but shifted uncomfortably when he didn't let go of me.

"And yes, the twins have 'come out'." He replied mockingly, but his eyes never leaving mine.

"Why didn't you say so? Let's go." Beck said loudly, seemingly wide awake than before.

We each walked past the Alpha to walk through the hospital doors. I was last, and I could feel his presence so close behind me.

Beck led the way until we stopped at the bed Valaine was on, two babies being held by the nurses next to her.

"Give." One word, an order and both his sons were passed into his arms, and I watched as he held them with an uncertain delicacy.

"What are their names?" Bex whispered excitedly, her finger trapped in one of the baby's hands.

"Jett and Zach." My mate replied, gesturing to each other.

When I looked closer at their faces, I noticed that they looked completely different, Jett with lighter hair and blue eyes and Zach with a rounder face and darker features. But all in all, they were both cute.

I noticed that, although it wasn't a complete smile, Blackstorm's eyes had a softer look in them as he stared down at his newborns.

Well, that was until they started crying and he nearly dropped both of them, before the nurses took them off him, making him step back, his side touching mine lightly.

"They're hungry."

Valaine laughed, her voice still dainty and posh, "No way am I going to do it."

The nurses exchanged looks before looking at Blackstorm for some kind of confirmation. He nodded his head firmly, and they quickly took two bottles from the drawer by the bed, ready to fill it with baby formula milk.

"Wait." I called out, stopping everyone's movements as I looked at my mate nervously. "Wouldn't it be better if they were fed breast milk by the mother?"

He laughed with no emotion. "Well she said she didn't want to do it. Unless you're going to volunteer yourself, then shut the fuck up."

My mouth shut instantly.

Right at that moment, the nurses handed over the two bottles to him, as Valaine refused to even hold her children, along with Jett and Zach.

"Here." My mate said hesitantly, before holding out a crying Zach and a bottle.

I knew not to disobey him, even though feeding a baby wasn't that bad, and so I took the baby first, my arms cradling and rocking him gently before putting the baby bottle to his small lips, his cries instantly quietening as he started suckling.

I smiled gently at the sight of him, letting Beck stroke his cheek softly and Dexter look at him over my shoulder. Bex had her finger curled with Jett's again as my mate fed him.

I didn't miss the misted look Blackstorm gave me, his emotions guarded, but his eyes calculating me.

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