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Percy's point of view 

I found it kind of surprising when an entire week passed without me seeing any sign of Lycaon and his wolves. I thought that he would probably still be looking for me since he had seemed like he was rather determined to get me to follow him. Ever since Hestia visited me I have been helping demigods get to the camps and killing any monsters I encountered.

I had considered contacting my dad, but I was still afraid of what he would think of me. Would he still treat me the same way? Or would he be disgusted by what I had become? Honestly, I wasn't quite sure what to expect at this point, I still had a lot of questions without answers. For instance, I still didn't really have a definite reason for why Lycaon was so determined to have me in his pack, I also had no idea what my dad might think of me the next time we see each other.

On top of all that I honestly don't know if I would be able to get into camp if I wanted to go back. I don't want to go back there yet but I might eventually and I don't even know if I could still get in. Lycaon should know better than to think that he can make me turn against the gods, my fatal flaw is loyalty for Zeus's sake. Sure, dad might not be the best father on the planet but I still care about him and even though some of the other gods don't like me I'm not going to betray them to one of their enemies.

I was just minding my own business when I caught a whiff of several different scents and I wasn't quite sure what they all were. I smelled the scents of the forest along with many others some of which I couldn't place. I really didn't know what was going on but I just had a feeling that something bad might happen.

I decided to find out what was going on, I may not be the smartest guy on the planet but even I know that it's not the best idea to face whatever this is without some kind of plan. Due to that I decided to slowly approach the situation and try and figure out what was going on before I do anything.

I slowly moved forward and as I got closer to whatever was going on I was able to make out the smell of werewolves and I also heard the sound of bowstrings. After that I came up with a pretty good guess for what was going on. If my guess was right the hunters were facing Lycaon and his wolves. Considering that I have been trying to avoid both Lycaon and the hunters I was torn about what I should do.

I wanted to avoid them but I also didn't want to let anything happen to Thalia, she is my cousin and I didn't want her to get hurt or killed. I decided to get closer so I could see what was going on and then I would decide what to do. I looked between a couple of trees to assess the situation. Just like I'd thought I could see that the hunters were fighting a large group of werewolves which included Lycaon himself.

Considering that the hunters are good fighters and that Artemis was there with them I figured they would be able to handle it but just as I was about to leave I noticed that Thalia had run out of arrows and was attempting to fight the monsters with her hunting knives since they were the only other silver weapon she had, or at least I assumed that was why.

As I continued to watch the fight I slowly walked closer while trying to avoid being spotted by the werewolves or hunters, but then again if the werewolves were paying attention they could probably smell me. As I watched a second werewolf tried to attack Thalia from the side while she was distracted and the other hunters were occupied with the rest of the werewolves not to mention that Artemis was facing Lycaon himself.

Let's just say I didn't let the wolf hurt Thalia. In order to protect my cousin, I leaped out of my hiding spot in wolf form and knocked the other wolf away from Thalia. I had been slowly coming to accept what I had become but even still I think my wolf side kind of took over when I was protecting Thalia since I did something that I would never have even considered otherwise. Instead of turning to human and killing it with my sword I overpowered the wolf and bit down hard on its neck. I won't go into the details but let's just say that the result was a dead werewolf and me rather shocked at what I'd just done.

Percy Jackson the WerewolfWhere stories live. Discover now