The Myth Of Holo, The Human-Wolf-Goddess

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It all started with one human, her name was Holo she was 14 and had ginger colored locks for hair, she lived in a village called Hyperborea in Yoitsu, she had many friends, she would dance, play, help harvest and laugh. Her most favorite thing to do was run into the wheat fields and lay down and look at the stars and the clouds above. One day she met a pack of wolves in the field, they came up to her, sniffed, and left running.

Holo, the next day she came to the fields with apples, raw chicken, and leftovers from her lunch that day. The wolves came back again, furrowed their fur, ate the food, and left.

Holo thought to herself, “Why to the wolves keep running from me? Well, if they don’t come to me, I come to them.”  

The third day Holo, got up from her bed, grabbed some supplies for her journey, her backpack, extra clothes, some bait, and ordinary food. When she was grabbing an apple on the way out of the door, Holo slipped, fell on her flat on her stomach, and she moaned and said “OWWW!” In the middle of her scream she saw something, it was under the umbrella holder, a tiny shiny silver object, it was in the shape of a heart, and was engraved with a wolf, and had her name on it. She picked up this heart, and started fidgeting around in her backpack trying to find the pouch that she had just woven a week ago,finally she found the pouch, she got some wheat off of the table, and put it in the pouch, and put the heart inside and closed it up, she put the wheat inside for many reasons, if robbers would catch her and ask what’s inside the pouch she could say it was only wheat, and the second is that she loves the smell of the wheat. Smart girl right? Then she put on the wheat necklace that was very special to her and walked out the door and into the forest she went.

When she got into the forest she was greeted by the wolves, she knew they were the same nice wolves as before because one of the wolves had a cub, and the cub had a white lighting bolt on it’s fur, one came up to me, with red and yellow in it’s eyes, the wolf looked into my eyes and I knew what it was saying, it said “Hello Holo, I am Autran, the pack’s second leader, we have come for you for many things, we need you to come with us.” Holo looked back, sighed, and said “Yes.”

They all started off into a  forest came to a river, the thing about the river was there was a tunnel on the bottom. The wolves took deep breaths and dived in. Holo, started to hyperventilate, and then she dove in with them.The water was cold as could be. Being, yes, a cold dark cave at the side.

She had went where the hole was, and she came up, luckily there was air at the top so she could swim farther, then at the end of the tunnel there was two paths, the left side was engraved with a moon, and the right side had a sun, the wolves didn’t tell her which tunnel to go in, so she thought for a moment, Naturally, wolves come out at night, so, the moon was her first decision, and off she went into the moon’s dark and steep tunnel.

There was the wolf that she had just found told her to come the weird thing was that there was an older looking wolf, it was skinny, had really light gray fur, and one eye was blinded. soon, as she took three steps towards the wolf, it spoke to her, not in her mind, but in words speaking from it’s own mouth in English, what the wolf said to me was this.

“Hello, Nice to finally meet you Holo,I am Sköll, the packs oldest and wisest first leader, We are here today because we found you, you are special, and we want you to become our leader, as you can see, I’m dying, and I need a talented human, to take my place, like you Holo. Do you remember finding that heart on the floor this morning?”

 Holo replied, “Yes.”

The wolf kept talking “You see, I had one of my cubs (son) planted that therefore you would find it, and it has a magical secret to it, inside the heart is various but important gemstones, it’s from many generations of us, but the name of it is alexandrite and there is a special one it is an opal, but I will give you that later once you learn to use your powers, the gem is coming right now from a trader/merchant called, Kraft Lawrence, he is also one of us,and the gem also comes from Ethiopia.”

Before I could say anything, The second wolf incharge pounced on me and started to fight with me, Before I knew it I had turned into a giant wolf. A ginger haired furball. With pointy ears and a long luxurious tail. I grew fond of my tail very quickly. And I had paws, they were giant! And my teeth were also. Then the wolf that was attacking me jumped off, said “I’m sorry Holo, it was only to show you who you are.” then, he changed, he was shining, he was bright like a sun, and before I knew it he had become human. His eyes were normal, brown, and his hair was brown also, it was cut short, and he had upper body build and lower build, he was brave, stunning, and fit to be a leader,  but my question is why me? He heard my thoughts, “HAHA! You like me! Well, this is my human form to hide from the humans. unlike you, you probably can’t resist me.” I replied, “No, it’s just because from a no at all with your weird looking eyes, you're actually handsome. Now, how do you like them apples furball?”

Getting off of the subject, one of the wolves, a female, asked me to come outside, and turn into a wolf. I did so, she said to follow her where no one else can see us, she led me into a mountain range, inside was shaped like a ring and no vision of the outside world.

She said this to me, “I need you to turn human for a second.” I complied, “Second I need you to take the wheat out of your pouch, number one to wolves, You cannot have wheat on you when you're fighting, because the wheat will calm you.”

“Third, And second to wolves, keep your muzzle forward, and your tail behind you.” “And last of all, will you look behind you and touch the top of your head.” I reached up and felt…My wolf ears, and I looked behind me, there was my unique ginger tail. “Will you please stop looking at your informalities for a minute, three,  always make sure you hide your ears, tail, and teeth. We are a secret society Holo, you must follow the rules like everyone else.” “But.” “You can show Kraft Lawrence them, because you will train with him, and he is with you at all times.” I replied in a snap. “WHAT!?” She kept going after her little snickering and Sigh, ”Holo, Kraft Lawrence is your protector, he will watch after you in everything you do, except things you don’t want him to be in.” again. “I DON’T NEED TO BE PROTECTED. I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF. I’M NOT A BABY ANYMORE, I’M TURNING FIFTEEN IN 8 DAYS.” “O.k., you misunderstood me, Lawrence is…. how should I say this, I’ll just say it later when you realize it. Now, Holo you are a goddess, the goddess of harvest, every year when they harvest the wheat in their crops you will help them with the next batch of wheat, and the new tradition is that if someone finds you, they win, and everyone dresses up like you, you will know more when you get back home, But until the season of harvest you will hide, with Kraft, you can still go outside, but you cannot show your special being I mean ears, tail and all. Ok?” I commented “Ok.” “Now, Kraft is coming with your gift, clothes, getaway wagon, and yes, plenty of food.”

Kraft started riding up the shallow slope that came into the ring of rocks where I was, he begun talking, “Hi, I am Kraft Lawrence, I am a Trader/Merchant, and you are Holo? Yes, I have heard of you, I shall be taking care of you, and here is your gift.” He hands me a black stain cloth with a hard object inside, I opened it and found the opal, it was shaped in a circle and engraved with a wolf’s paw, I said it was beautiful, and quickly put it into my pouch and regrouped the wheat and put it inside. He started talking again, “Holo, we need to leave before it hits noon, and please put on these clothes, and get into my wagon, we are going to the Dolan Plains, where you can roam as much as you please,  come on we have to go.” I put on the clothes and we left.

Journal/End credits:

400 years later on my birthday, I have grown, seen many things, made a life with Kraft, showed the people us (Kraft and Me), ate lots, many apples and pickled pears and two beautiful cubs. Right now, I need a new leader to take my place.- ɧ (Holo)

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