Chapter 2: First Impressions

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Chapter Two: First Impressions

The Evermore’s hiked up four rigorously steep flights of stairs to Daniel’s apartment. Daniels toned calfs were very much accustomed to the clime, however, Eric struggled along behind.

“You,” he panted, “do this everyday?”

Daniel laughed. Compared to his soccer training, these stairs were nothing. On a good day, he would enjoy the slight tingle in his legs and the relief once he’d arrive inside his home. Shouting down to Eric, who was just approaching the third flight, he laughed,

“Man up, lad, now won’t you?!”

Daniel entered the home, while his brother staggered behind him. Placing his keys on the kitchen counter, he waited for his brother to catch up with himself. When he finally did, his face was a pale shade of red. His duffle slid carelessly off his shoulder to the ground. Eric panted, much exaggerated. Daniel laughed, throwing him a can of soda to replenish his senses. Neither boy had thought of the impact a toss in the air would do to the soda can until it was much too late. Erupting like a volcano, the foaming coke rapidly flooded down the sides, just after squirting out the top, splattering his shirt and evidently soaking his pants and shoes. Daniel couldn't contain himself at the sight. With a massive laugh, came a nasty spray to the face of backwashed soda from Daniels mouth to Eric’s face. Eric stood with his soggy clothing and drooping curls, and wickedly sarcastic grin plastered on his face,

“Thanks, mate. Real glad to be back.”

Daniel tried is very best to tame his laughing fit, but it proved useless. Reaching to take the can away from Eric and toss in the trash bin, Eric looked disgusted,

“I cant still drink what’s left! You wouldn't deprive me of that, now would you?”

Eric did, however, grab the role of paper towels from his brother. Rubbing his shirt viciously, he suddenly found himself speckled in white. Daniel chuckled to himself,

“Let me go get your clothes.”

He ran off to a room in the back of the apartment. Eric pealed off his clothing, leaving him just in boxers and a pair of high socks to mop up the floor in. His chest bore a few tattoos, the largest of them on his body, and his arms were inked with a few smaller ones. Each meant something special to him, although some seemed more abstract than others. While on the ground, letting the coke soak into the paper towels, a knock sounded from the other side of the door. He waited a moment to see if Daniel would appear from outback to retrieve it. After a moment or two, Eric stood up to throw away the dripping paper towel. Deciding it was best not to let the door go unanswered, he opened it, oblivious of his appearance.

“Oh my god.”

The young mother quickly covered her children's eyes. She was a few inches shorter than Eric and had hair stretching to her lower back. The small boy to her right tried peeling his mothers hand off his eyes, curious of what he was missing. The girl on her other side, stood without a care.

“Do you mind?”

The women stated, unsure where to look. Finding a place on the ground, Eric watched her with confusion. Suddenly, it hit him. He was standing in front of, what he thought was, a beautiful girl…in his bare boxers. He retreated behind the door to find a jacket hung up to cover his upper body.

“Does this satisfy?”

Eric teased, playfully. The women rolled her eyes. Clearly, it did for she unblocked her children's vision and picked her daughter up.

“Go on honey,” she whispered to the child in short ponytails. The girls voice was quite and high pitched. Eric guessed she was just barley two. She wore a pink and purple filled outfit, with bright lit up sneakers.

“Buy cookies?”

She shyly spoke. Her mother smiled, and her son held out a clipboard,

“Would you like to buy a box of Girl Scout Cookies sir? My sister is trying to sell fifty boxes!”

He stated with pride. Eric eyed his mother,

“This little one is already a Girl Scout? Impressive!”

“No time like the present.”

She glared back into Eric’s hypnotizing eyes. Eric reached out for the clipboard, maintaining eye contact,

“I would love to. What do you suggest?”

“Well…the thin mints are fantastic, sir!”

“Great. I will take five boxes.”

The boys chin dropped, as did the girls,

“Five whole boxes?”

“I can’t think of a reason why not?”

“Thank you! Wow, Mom, five boxes.”

He beamed up to his mother, who eyed Eric with suspicion,

“Yes, that’s wonderful, Charlie.” 

Eric smiled, happy to have made the children’s day. He handed the clipboard back to Charlie, who beamed ecstatically. Charlie squinted at Eric’s scribbled signature on the clipboard,

“Thank you, Mr. Evermore!”

“Thanks,” peeped the little girl.

“Anytime, kiddos.”

He high fived the young boy and girl, who had just made his glorious day even better, and not because he would soon be delivered with five boxes of cookies to devour. He thanked their mother with the utmost kindness, hoping to leave a good impression.

“We will deliver them in just a few weeks.”

She stated, matter of factly. Eric watched as they made their way to the other two apartments located on top of the pizzeria. His eyes were glued to the blonde, infectiously beautiful, women. Closing the door slowly, he imprinted her lean face, blue eyes, and ruffle free hair into his brain. 

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