Chapter 1

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"Hello, Avril. Magcon would like to have you on the Magcon Tour! If you decide to come you can perform a couple songs. The dates are 3-1-14 - 3-20-14. We hope to see you there!" I read the email out loud. I had been wanting to go to Magcon for SO long but was always sick or something.

I immediately called Beau to tell him the news. The phone rang three times before he picked up "Hello?"

"Guess who's going to Magcon?" I said .

"Really?!? You better fuckin go this time!" He said with pure excitement.

"Yeah, yeah but don't tell the boys! I want it to be a surprise." I exclaimed. I haven't seen any of the Janoskian boys in 3 years. We used to see each other every day but I moved back to California since I was missing my mom and dad. We swore to each other that we would visit but we were always busy.

"There going to fucking die when they see you!" He laughed.

"Make sure they don't watch my videos. Well, I have to go pack. ill see you there."

"Why?" Beau answered.

"Just trust me." I responded.

"Okay, love you Avril"

"Love you, too bye" I replied. Beau and I weren't dating or anything, I didn't see him as anything but a brother. It was brotherly love.

I grabbed my hot pink suitcase that had a black studded skull on it and started packing everything I thought I would need for 20 days.

After I finished packing I decided to make a video to let my fans know that I would be at Magcon. After I set up my camera and turned it on I started. "Hey, guys! I just wanted to make a quick video to let you know I will e on the Magcon tour! I'm so excited because I will be able to perform some of my original songs and I can't wait to meet all of you. Ill leave the tour dates below and a link to where you can get tickets. I'm going to dye my hair just letting you all know. Okay, bye! Stay Rad." I said as I turned off the camera. I quickly uploaded the video since I didn't have to edit it.

I looked at the time '10:37'! "Shit." I mumbled as I got my keys and left to the salon.

When I entered the salon I quickly went up to the counter. "Hi, I have an appointment here for 11." I told the man.

"Sure, honey! Right this way." He instructed.

"Kay so what color do you want your hair to be?" He asked me.

"Blonde." I responded with a big grin.


Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed! ill have an update ready by March 28 :) The side pic is Avril with brown hair.

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Stay Rad ;)

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