Estille was tracing the outline of one of the shields of the Lords of Abellium when she heard the music playing in the town square. Penti heard it as well, but spoke over it, in a lame hope that Estille hadn't heard the joyful music. She stopped tracing the stag in mid-jump when she raised her head to try to listen better to what song they were playing, even though the words were too distant to make out.

"Estille, we aren't here to enjoy music, we're here to-"

"But they don't play music, ever." She replied. "Except when it's the harvest festival, but apart from that..." She stood and went to the window, looking across at the growing crowd that gathered around the playing musicians. She had hoped they'd be on the same stage that was built for the harvest festival, but alas it wasn't yet time. "I can't see them." She grunted angrily.

"Then sit, girl!" Penti ordered, sternly. "This isn't the time for enjoying music, we can do so when our lesson finishes."

"They could be gone before then."

"Maybe." She admitted. "But dancing is abhorrent and one cannot enjoy the music when one is focusing on which feet to tap next."

"Only because you have two left feet." Estille could feel her eyes boring into her back but smiled nonetheless, relishing in her annoyance.

"If you can name me the three houses that I've just been speaking about, you may go."

She heard the book slam behind her when she attempted to spin and chance a look, but once she faced her tutor, she felt the nerves slip through the cracks. Estille didn't care either way whether she joined the festivities or not, their lesson was due to end in minutes whether she got it right or not. Penti was nothing if not punctual.

But her determination won over her indifference.

Estille spent most of the remaining minutes of their lesson pondering her question. She needed to know the name of the house that bore; a leaping stag on a brown background, a blood-soaked white rose on a black background and two crossed rifles on a green background. "Brabham, Travillian and D'Hartye."

Penti raised her scrutinous eyes. "Two out of three will do, I suppose. Begone."

She didn't allow her to even finish her sentence before she was gone, rushing out the door and bounding down the stairs. Din yelped as she flew past, believing her to bound straight into her and the basket she was carrying. But Estille dodged aside and raced to the stairs, the servant yelling behind her. She raced halfway down before she vaulted over the rest, misjudging the jump and rolling to keep from causing injury. Her father caught the vault and she stopped, still as she allowed him to judge the acrobatics.

"I see you've heard our guest's arrival."

She panted and stared at him, wondering why he had invited minstrels as guests at Nadia – of all places.

He indicated with a nod. "Lord Wimberly is a lover of the arts, as you can hear. If you can call it music..."

She resisted smiling at his cynicism.

"I'm guessing you forgot."

"No!" She insisted too quickly.

"Well in not forgetting, I know you'd be happy to go greet him on behalf of both of us."

She leapt for the door again, when he called to her.

"Be polite."

Estille half turned, a mischievous smile dancing across her lips. "Aren't I always, father dearest?" She didn't wait for a reply and was out onto the street before he could.

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