16. farewell

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Doctor Cole dropped by for the last check of the day, and halted sharp as soon as he stepped into Gillian's room

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Doctor Cole dropped by for the last check of the day, and halted sharp as soon as he stepped into Gillian's room. Mostly because it was too crowded to go in any further. Banks was still there. And Connor and Brock, of course. And Russell. And the team. Even Cooper was there.

"Excuse me?" the doctor said, in the faint hope of being heard among the chattering and laughter filling the air.

He felt intimidated when all of them shut up and turned to him at the same time.

"Doctor Cole," said Cooper, trying her best to sound nice. "I was waiting for you. May I have a word with you?"

Cole's eyes moved over the faces crowding the room, feeling cornered. When he nodded, Cooper turned to the others.

"Make it quick," she said, openly bossy. She spun around and stalked straight to the door.

Cole could only follow her out.

"Get your bag ready, Reg, 'cause the Iron Lady's gonna get your freedom," said Kurt, amused.

Aldana pushed Russell to approach the bed. "T and I went shopping for your fridge today. I think you'll have anything you need. And if we missed something, Connor can get it for you, right, big boy?"

"I'd need a car for that," Connor said.

"Forget it," Gillian replied. "I'll starve alright."

"I left some things for you," Russell said to the boy. "You just need to pick them from the freezer and add your final touch."

"Oh, yes."

Aldana leaned to kiss Gillian's hair and pressed her good arm. "Take care, Reg." She looked up at the others. "I'll be outside."

Hank shook his head with a mocking smirk and patted Gillian's hand. "Come back soon, Reg. Being the leading lady is getting to Al's head."

Gillian scoffed and felt grateful it didn't hurt so bad anymore. As Hank and Kurt left, Ron kissed her hair too with a warm smile.

"Take care, you hear me? We'll save you some bad guys to catch."

She smiled back at him. "Sounds great."

"And should you need anything, don't hesitate to call Laura."


"She'll swing by your place anyway. In case you don't call."

"You can quit parenting me, y'know."


Ron allowed Tanya to come closer.

"I'm leaving now," said the girl. "Gotta drop by my place before going to yours."

"What are you cooking for dinner, hun?" asked Connor.

"A call to a pizza delivery, you abusive padawan. C'mon, let's go."

Connor too kissed Gillian's hair. "Night, Mom. See you in the morning."

"Try to smug me some coffee, son."

"You got it."

Fred rested his hand on Gillian's and smiled at her. "Join us soon, Reg. We'll be waiting for you."

"Take care of them, Fred."

"I'll send them to bed early, promise."

He kissed her cheek and left. Brock frowned at the way Gillian's eyes followed the sniper. She looked up at Russell, no trace of a smile.

"Keep an eye on him, Russ," she said.

Russell frowned too. "What."

"I don't know. Something's off with Fred."

"I'll do. Now you better take care and follow the doctor's orders down to the letter, you hear me?"

Gillian flashed a mocking smile. "Yes, hun."

Russell scoffed and gave her a quick hug. "Keep me up, okay?"

"Yes, hun."

"See you tomorrow, Reg," said Banks.

"Connor's bringing the coffee, so you bring the pie."

"Sure. Let's picnic here. That'll do you so good."

"Jeez, stop parenting me, all of you!"

Brock waited for them to leave too. When he turned to Gillian, he found her eyes waiting for his. He felt a sad prick in his chest at realizing she'd geared up in her heaviest armor to say goodbye to him. But he had to ask anyway.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?" he said with his trademark calm, covering her hand with his.

She pressed his fingers as she tried to keep smiling. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Brock held her eyes, to let her see he wasn't about to buy her cool. Her smile faltered and she tugged at his hand to take it to her lips.

Gillian kissed the back of his hand and kept it to her mouth as she closed her eyes, cursing and loathing herself for being such a despicable coward. If days would feel barren and endless without him around, why couldn't she just do what both of them wanted and keep him close?

His hand turned gently in hers to grab her chin, and she forced herself to look up at him. They held each other's eyes for a long moment, and Gillian really wished he could see how much, how deeply she loved him. So much, so deeply, she needed to push him away. At least for now.

A sad grimace pursed Brock's thin lips. He waited for her to say something, change her mind, wish him luck, anything. But she didn't. So he leaned in, and his lips brushed her skin right by her mouth. He would've kissed her, slow and deep. But he wouldn't if she insisted in sending him away.

So he straightened up, turned on his heels and headed out.

Gillian bit her tongue to keep from saying anything to stop him. Tears stung her eyes when he walked out and closed the door. Gosh! He'd been gone for hardly ten seconds and she already felt this hideous cold welling inside, as if she'd just lost a part of herself. Actually, the best part.

She covered her eyes with a shaky sigh. She didn't want to cry. Not again. Not over him. Not over what she'd done all by herself. She failed. As she always did, she thought as tears rolled down her face.

The End - Blackbird book 7Where stories live. Discover now