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1 hour later everybody is on the floor showboat is laying next to Kylie her arm on her shoulder there are 3 boys that are all in a corner dead there's blood on the floor and the wall there are 3 girls outside the window on the ground 2 on there backs about 3 feet apart and 1 girl is laying on her stomach 5 feet apart showboat slowly opens her eyes and slowly gets up She has 3 cuts on her right leg still bleeding and 1 big cut on her lift arm she gets to her feet coughing at the same time then starts heavily breathing looking around the school is all boomed and on fire everywhere the rods are cut off broken on fire cars are on trees in trees crashed all over the place buildings are crashed down there are still some hilacopter flying around in the sky showboat looks down at at Kylie and rolls her over knees down and Softly slaves her on the face trying to wake her up

(Showboat ) Kylie Kylie wake up Kylie

Then one more small shape Kylie wakes up really quickly with a hard breath like you needed to breath she puts her hands on her throat coughing then looks at showboat

(Kylie rame ) huh huh what happened? 

(Showboat ) I don't know but we got to get out of here

They look at the big open peace that the plan came through they walk over and put thier lift leg first over the glass that's still there and carefully put Their other leg over and almost fall to the floor but a catch them selfs they stand there and look around to see how the world looks now all missed up then hear something and look to the lift and see someone coming at them really fast then showboat start pushing Kylie

(Showboat)  go go go !!!!! 

They start running away they run into the street keep looking back at the person that's a zombie

They keep running then see a building that's still together and not burned or damaged

(Kylie rame ) THERE!!!!!!

They run to the building and stop at the front doors they try to pull them open but they are locked Kylie looks back and doesn't see the zombie Kylie tapes showboat on the shoulder

(Kylie rame ) showboat? ?

She stops and turns around then she walks to the lift side of the building and sees 2 big windows

(Kylie rame ) showboat

She looks to the floor and sees a pipe on the floor she picks it up then the zombie comes from behind and grabes Kylie showboat turns around

(Showboat ) Kylie get down

She puts her head down and showbaot swings knocking the zombie to the ground

(Showboat )  Kylie are you ok

(Kylie rame ) I'm OK

Then the zombie comes back up from the ground screaming showboat pushes Kylie put of the way then swings at the zombie agian in the head then hits the zombie 3 more times they go to the ground showboat takes the pipe and hits the zombie one more time out of breath she pulls back

(Kylie rame ) is he dead

(Showboat ) I don't know

Kylie looks to the lift of them and sees a Hurd of zombies coming

(Kylie rame ) showboat

She turns her head and sees it they run to the windows showboat takes the pipe and breaks the 1st big window they step in and there's nobody in there it's dark

(Kylie rame ) it's dark in here

(Showboat ) we got to find other weapons

(Kylie rame ) there  getting.closer

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