"It Wasn't Us!"

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"What?!" Sunset Shimmer stared at the three younger girls in shock. Each of them had a similar look of surprise on their faces, one of which was meant to seem innocent. But a hint of guilt tugged at the edges, barely noticeable. "But...I was sure-"

"Cut the act, Sunset," Rainbow Dash growled. "Can't you just be honest with us for once?"

"I'm trying! You guys don't under-"

"Gosh, girl! Quit the lyin'!" Sunset's efforts to defend herself were cut off by Applejack, who sighed. "Tell you what. You tell us all the truth, take down 'Anon-a-miss's' page, 'n all will be forgiven."

Sunset's hands were balled up into fists as she tried to conceal her rage. She couldn't understand why they didn't believe her. Did they not see that she had changed? Had she not proven herself to be trustworthy? Apparently not.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and let herself relax. "I have told you once, and I will tell you again. I am not 'Anon-a-miss'. Now, you can believe them-" She gestured to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, who had been shooting each other terrified glances throughout the argument, and who were suddenly drawn to attention. "-and avoid me for the rest of your lives, or you can believe me and give me a chance to prove myself."

Rarity spoke up. "I'm sorry, Sunset, darling, but I'm afraid there is nothing to prove. I know my little sister well enough to know she'd never do anything like this, and I'm sure her friends wouldn't, either. There's no reason for them to."

Though Sunset hated to admit it, Rarity had a point. There was no logical reason for them to frame her. None that she could see, at least. But they had to be behind this; there was no other way. She knew she herself was not responsible, surely none of her friends-or, ex-friends-were, and no one else could have gotten the pictures and secrets. If only she could find a way to expose the three...

"Well, Sunset, I guess you have our answer," Applejack frowned and turned away from her, crossing her arms.

"Yeah. I think it's best if you just leave. Now." Rainbow's harsh tone left Sunset dumbfounded. She wanted to be trusted again-she really did-but that seemed impossible now. Her own friends had turned on her, and there was nothing she could do.

Sunset could tell she was no longer wanted here. "Fine. I-I guess I will," she said, her voice wavering slightly. And with that, she turned and walked away. The café had grown dead-silent. The only sounds that could be heard were the click of Sunset's heels on the tile floor and the ring of the little bell above the door as it closed behind her.

Outside, the blizzard-like snowfall had slowed to a small flurry. The half-foot deep snow crunched under Sunset's boots as she slid away from the café windows and leaned against a brick building beside it. Her mittened hands moved up and down her arms, trying to both warm her and comfort her. It wasn't hard to see she was holding back tears.

Well, here I am again, she thought to herself, looking up at the sky and letting snowflakes gently land on her face. Cold and alone on the holidays. Just like old times, huh?

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