Chapter 2 Rats trap (part 1)

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"Just give me a little more time, I have a solution. I'm just," the voice paused briefly, "weighing all my options first." With the light from the hall shining in through her cracked door, the frightened young girl squeezed her pillow tightly. From the safety of her bed, she listened to her uncle negotiate downstairs.

"Top-Dog already extended your loan by a month. Why should he give you any more time than what he's been so gracious in having allowed already?" the deep northern accent questioned as its owner's boots took a few heavy steps, presumably, towards the girl's uncle. It was the fourth time that week the man with the heavy boots had been over, demanding that the girl's uncle pay his dues.

"Look, I just need-"

"What you're going to need is some really good life insurance if you don't have Clane's money by the end of the week," the intimidating messenger cut in with a threat.

In a flash of light, the young girl now stood before her debt-ridden uncle with a backpack full of clothing over her shoulders.

"Now sweetheart," he started as he kneeled, "you're going to go with-" pausing the nervous man glanced up at the brute looming above them, "this nice man. Make a few deliveries for him ok? This will really be helping uncle out, a lot. Alright?" The young girl glanced up and over her shoulder at the man behind her. A devilish grin played upon his lips, his eyes blackened, darker than the night. Startled she jumped, turning back to face her uncle, only to find he had vanished, along with the rest of her surroundings.

The young girl now stood frightened in a small dirty room. It was dimly lit and empty, except for a piece of balled up trash in the corner. The young girl picked her backpack off the middle of the floor, only to find it was empty. A closer look revealed a tiny black spider in the bag. The girl jumped back with a start, dropping the pack. Suddenly thousands upon thousands of spiders came rushing from the bag. The girl screamed and leaped for the door, she yanked, jerked, and pulled, but to no avail. Looking back in a panic, the spiders were gone.

Baffled the young girl tried to catch her breath. The sound of mumbled voices could be heard from outside the locked door. Both curious and desperate, the girl pressed her ear against the door in hopes of clearing the muffled words.

"I'm a very busy man, to which I know you are well aware of," stated a mellow voice in a commanding tone.

"I'm thinking you're going to like what Mr. Clane has in store for you Sir," replied a nasally voice, the man behind it sniffing loudly.

Several pairs of footsteps could be heard shuffling around, making it hard to distinguish what was going on.

"Mr. Clane, Josiah is here to see you," the nasally voice called out.

"My my, this is a surprise, and What brings you to my humble abode?" questioned Mr. Clane, his voice was smooth, but the pleasantness forced.

"I heard you had a princess for me," Josiah replied, his tone amused.

"That depends, what's she worth to you?" inquired Mr. Clane, his voice dipping in volume.

"You are aware I have no need of your services, Mr. Clane. Or would you prefer Top-Dog?" Josiah's sarcasm and impatience were clearly noticeable. "I'm sure you know I make more in a month than you see in a year," Josiah continued. The room fell silent for a moment, the insult hitting a nerve. "I'll be honest with you Mr. Clane, your establishment is less than, shall I say, sanitary," Josiah's disgust was evident as he took a few steps around the room.

"Well, I'll be honest with you, Mr..." Clane paused in an attempt to recall his buyer's last name.

"Josiah is all you need to know," Josiah informed.

"...Josiah." Mr. Clane repeated the word through clenched teeth, his enthusiasm lacking. "Not everyone can afford your business," he continued.

"Certainly not the kind of people you, and others like you, cater to."

Mr. Clane snorted taking obvious offense. "I heard about your new, venue is it?" Clane questioned. "You're going to want to see what I have in stock for you."

"And why would I have an interest in anything you have to offer in..." the gesture heard clear in his tone, "this place." Clearly, mockery was Josiah's first intent.

"Obviously you're interested, otherwise you would not have come, and you're right to be, because the product is untouched. I'm well aware the money it's worth to the right person, or, would you prefer, house guests?" The smirk could easily be heard through Clane's words.

Footsteps grew closer to the young girl's door before stopping in front of it. The girl quickly backed away. The knob clicked as the shaking girl stood there in a panic. The room fell silent, the girls pounding heartbeat filled her ears as adrenaline surged through her small body. A moment passed before a loud and sudden bang rang out. The girl shrieked as the door flew across the room, followed by a rush of wind that knocked her to the ground. Several dark shadows with glowing red eyes filled the doorway. The girl screamed in pure terror as the demons jumped on her and began pulling her apart.



Courtesy of the WGA.

Registered 12/11/16

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