Chapter 3 - Finally

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Back to you...

You don't know how long you've been sitting on the cold ground. Hours probably. The moon was low, partly covered with clouds. Jacob has not come back yet. "Damn, why does it have to be so cold," you whispered to yourself. Small raindrops started hitting your bare skin. Groaning, you rolled under your plane's wing to cover yourself, leaning your back on one of the wheels. If you'd have only brought a watch with you.

More time had passed and morning already started forming. You weren't able to catch any Zs this night. What was surprising was that Jacob wasn't back yet and that no one came to pick up the plane and you. The road was leading into a nearby forest from which you could hear a loud motor. Soon a tractor came out of there. The farmer must have been surprised to see a fighter jet and a lone pilot on a field. He drove close and stopped. You two looked at each other until he broke the silence: "Young pilot tell me, was there a man with you? Short blonde hair?" You nodded and the farmer continued talking: " He came to my house last night, all scared. He wasn't ok, quickly passed out. He wanted to ask something but couldn't form words." "Sir, do you have a phone on you right now? That would be of great help," you interrupted the farmer to what he grabbed his phone and called someone. He gave them the location on Jacob, the plane and you and some info from his side in this situation. When the call finished the farmer said that he and you need to stay here till the right authorities come. Like you would go anywhere.

It was now seven, around 10 min passed since the call was made. A police car was heading our direction. You finally felt hope that something good will happen. As two policemen got out of the car you stood up. First, they questioned the farmer and then went to you to ask you some simple questions. They also gave you some food and water. Soon after, a military truck came to pick up the plane and you. On the way to the base, you also picked up Jacob. He was in a better state than you, being able to sleep in a warm place. Now you could only imagine what will happen in the base.

As soon as you reached the base Jacob and you were sent to interrogation. Other troops were having their morning training. Sent into separate rooms they asked complicated questions and threatened you. Why did you not inform anyone? What were you thinking when you did this? Did you follow protocol? etc. None of the questions were positive oriented. Our lives should have been the top priority with a not destroyed jet as a bonus.

This finished about an hour later. 8:34 showed a clock in the hall. You were now awake for more than a day. Your body has been failing you since landing and only wanted rest. But in the background, there was distinct British voice. "Hohoy (f/l), you've finally decided to come back. Didn't take you that long." It was Owen. "Could you just let me be today? I have to go change from my pilot gear to normal clothes," you said to him. At first, he tried to stop you but lost interest quickly. Maybe there is some nice guy in him.

You headed to the wardrobe. The people you saw stayed quiet and just stared. After passing them you could hear whispers. Have not yet seen yourself in the mirror you thought you looked like death. Hell, you held your life on the line for a long time.

Upon reaching the changing room you quickly got off the pilot gear and stored it in a locker. From there you took out a towel and some fresh clothes. With that, you went to the shower. Your body was dirty and sweaty as you longed for warmth to cover your body. You showered for about 10 min. After that, you returned to the changing room. There you put your clothes on and packed everything into a rucksack. Then you left the room.

You made a step out and someone pushed you to the wall. That jump scared you a bit. Their hands were placed next to your shoulders. Before you could look at who it was they said: "You scared me, you know. You shouldn't disappear like that." This time it was Deckard. Being in a position like that made your heart race. It couldn't be helped that he was a good looking man. But the real question was why was he even here. Did he follow you? Peek inside? "How long have you been standing out here and waiting?" you asked him. At first, he only stared at you and then continued: "Doesn't matter. So where were you and what happened?" Deckard stopped hovering over you and went to lean on the wall opposite of you.

"What you just did signals that I don't need to say anything and that I'm free to go. But I know that you actually wouldn't let me do that until you're satisfied with my answer," you said to him with a bored expression. The only thing you wanted was to get home and sleep. No work till tomorrow. Deckard then smirked and crossed his arms: "You read me like an open book." "Fine, fine, in the middle of the way my plane lost its engine and most it's power so I did an 180° turn, glided the plane as far as I could, landed on some country road and stayed there till morning, where a farmer found me and helped me out. That's all," you said unamused.

He wasn't happy with the short overall. "Can I go home now? I'm kinda tired," you complained. He sighed and moved one of his hands so it aimed at the exit. You started walking away. Upon reaching the door you looked back. He still hasn't moved. "See you tomorrow," you said in a quiet voice and went through the door. There was no answer.


So? How was it? This one is a bit longer than others. I might edit it and make it even longer. Same goes for the previous chapters.
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