Chapter Sixteen

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TW: this chapter indicates assault on the main character. When this was originally written, the intention was that they were told to "scream as loud as you can" but the torture in question was not actually occurring. TW anyway, just in case.


Now, two things had happened last time. One was true. One was false.

You gained your memories back completely: true.

Mr. Davenort saying that the tracker on you that was going to the middle of the ocean was you and the boys going home: false.


Your heavy eyes opened. You couldn't remember what had happened; why everything was unfamiliar or why your head was pounding.

"Afternoon, Davenport and friend," said a completely new voice. "Pleasure to see you in person, of all types to see the lot of you." You noticed your captor's heavy British accent.

"Who are you?!" Chase yelled as you groggily stood up. A sudden blood rush ran through you as you leaned on to the side of the wall, only to be woken up completely by a sudden burning feeling.

"Don't bother, girly," said the man. You turned to face him. "It's designed specifically so you can't get in or out."

He had short, blonde hair and dull blue eyes. There was a slight beard across his cheeks as well as a mustache connected to the beard. His cheekbones were evident and you couldn't help but notice how much he looked like Klaus from Vampire Diaries.

You looked around the cell after noticing that no stupid remarks had been made. "Where's Adam?"

The man smirked and looked at his watch. "He became fish food around twenty-three minutes ago. Such a shame. He was a great guy."

"I don't believe you," Chase growled. You could tell he was mad.

Wait- 'mad' couldn't describe Chase's emotions in that moment. He was furious. He was 'say-one-wrong-thing-and-I-will-unleash-all-Hell-on-your-butt.'

The man stopped pacing. "You don't believe me?" He laughed. "You don't believe me? Laughable. However, that's exactly like you, Chase. You only believe what you can see. You of all people should believe in the impossible. I mean, you did manage to bag a girlfriend."

You finally surveyed the surroundings.

You and Chase were in a six by six cell that went up exactly six feet. Blue lasers were arranged in a chessboard-style. You knew that these were bionic signal interrupters. The shake of the ground indicated that you were on a boat. The lab was dark, only illuminated by the controls opposite the cell.

"You want proof?" the man inquired, pulling a monitor down and pulling you out of your trance. "Watch."

The screen turned on to reveal Adam. The man had stripped him down to nothing more than his undergarments and covered him in something that looked like grain. The cage that Adam was in moved so it suspended over the water. The bottom suddenly dropped out and the unconscious form of him dropped.

"You bastard!" you shouted. "You killed him!"

"I honestly thought that you'd thank me for it. I got him out of your hair. Now the two of you can live happily ever after, have three children, named Taylor, Courtney, and Remi, and just live."

"Why do you even want us? Why are you keeping us here?" Chase's voice was dangerously calm.

"I want nothing from the two of you. I'll give the two of you back to his father after he pays me a hefty amount."

Smart Guy. (Chase Davenport x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now