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A warrior's greatest weapon is patients. That is what the Father taught us. My brother and I competed for his attention, with him always being the favoured. No matter how much I tried, the Father never recognised any of it. When the invaders came, everything changed on that day.

A young woman rushes across the loose stone of a training yard as her black leather stealth suit glistens from the pouring rain. Vaulting over a fallen statue, she hides while taking deep breaths to slow her breathing. Heavy feet move the loose stones around and the flames from jet engines roar over the rain. She looks over from her cover and takes another deep breath.

Darting quickly and sticking to the shadows she leans up against the remains of a wall to one of the buildings. Insides was one of those devices they sent down during the initial attack almost 20 years ago. The green substance still pouring out. She reaches around her back then flicks her wrist to extend out a bow. An arrow knocked into it she takes another deep breath from under a metallic mask covering the lower half of her face. She pulls back the string as she rolls against the wall out of cover, letting go and hitting the closest of alien.

It dies, releasing poisonous gas and making the others cough. As it clears, the Muton leading the pod looks around in anger. It roars and Seekers rise, vanishing for eyesight. A second arrow hits the ground several meters ahead and lightning jumps, decloaking the Seekers and causing them to fall to the ground. The Muton looks around in panic as more and more of it's forces dies from arrows coming from all directions.

The archer lands behind the Muton and it spins around to see a drawn bow at it's face. "For the Father." She said under the muffled mask and releases with the Muton falling back with a arrow in its skull. She slow walks over to the aliens, pulling out the arrow then taking a souvenir from her kill.

The rain subsided after a while as the woman continues to walk through the courtyard. She climbs crumbled steps to a temple and pushes open the doors into what remained of the interior. She places her bow at her side and kneels before the plinth which once held a marble statue now rubble. The plaque on it, dulled over the years, reads:

A Family of True Sight

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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