Chapter 31: Just a Tool

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Chapter 31

So far, this had been too easy, Emyle thought. Dr. Valin’s laboratory was only a few hundred feet away now, just some turns in the corridor, according to the map in her head. The security cameras were still working and their lenses moved every few seconds. But Emyle knew that Jordan was in the control room and he was in control of the cameras now, so there was no need to hide from them. All she had to do know was to reach Dr. Valin’s private laboratory. However, there were no guards around, which was the strangest thing of all. The corridors were completely empty and silent, devoid of any people. Emyle smiled after a while. This must mean that Jordan was succeeding at drawing the guards away from her. She had told him to give her as much time as he could, and it seemed that he was now doing his best. There would be less trouble now and she would not have to waste time knocking out a few guards. Or, on second thought, she might be impatient enough to even kill anyone who got in her way.

Emyle looked down at the Glock in her hand as she continued to run. It was black and dark, its barrel gleaming slightly in the fluorescent lights. Hopefully, the sight of this dangerous weapon would be enough to scare any guards away. She was not in the mood to waste time killing anyone now. Suddenly a drop of water fell from above and landed on the gun, trickling down the barrel. In less than a minute, water rained down from the ceiling, making it seem like it was precipitating indoors. A frown threatened to cross Emyle's face. A fire? No, not likely. They had not started any fires to serve as a distraction. It would have only hindered them and caused panic in the facility. One of the scientists could have made a mistake in their experiments and accidentally caused a fire in the laboratory. However, that was not likely, considering the experience the scientists here had. The only possibility was that Jordan had done something. Another distraction, perhaps? She had told him to give her as much time as possible, and this seemed like Jordan's response to her instruction. 

It was a good call, she had to admit. The guards would be slipping around on the wet floor. Her progress would be hindered too, but that did not matter. Emyle was already approaching the last turn in the corridors. Increasing her pace despite the risks, she skidded, turned and ran towards the end of the corridor. She slipped slightly, but managed to catch herself on the door in front of her. It was reinforced steel, cold and hard under her palms. An elevator, she thought. There was a small silver button on the wall, but instead of saying "down", it seemed to be a speaker, as above it there were tiny holes in the wall, into which someone could speak. Emyle hesitated. If she spoke into the speaker, Dr. Valin would probably know that it was her and she would lose her advantage of surprise. However, this was the only entrance into his private laboratory. She gritted her teeth and stretched out a finger to press the button. But when she was about to touch it, the elevator doors slid open soundlessly. 

The interior of the elevator was shiny and modern, and the doors remained open even while she stared at it, as if it was welcoming her in. Emyle's eyes narrowed and she looked up, scanning the ceiling. True enough, there was a security camera just above the elevator and its lenses were trained on her face. Dr. Valin was most likely able to access the video feed from this particular camera so that he could see whoever that wanted to enter his laboratory. She should have known this, but there was nothing she could do. From now onwards, she no longer had the element of surprise on her side. Emyle knew that she would have to manage with whatever she had now. Hopefully, the security camera had not been able to see the gun that she had in her hands. Then the elevator doors began to close slowly, as if they were reluctant to do so. 

Making a split second decision, Emyle darted forward and between the doors. They closed behind her without a sound. She glanced upwards and found that there were no cameras in the elevator. Satisfied with this, she lifted the Glock and braced her right arm with her left, so that her aim was steadier. Of course, she was a fairly good shot no matter what shooting position she applied, but this was the safest and steadiest one of all. She would only have one chance and that was the second she stepped out of the elevator. Settling her feet shoulder-width apart, she readied herself and let her index finger rest lightly against the trigger. Before they had set off, Jordan had said that she should not go in with her gun blazing. But this was the only option she had now, and the only way she could make use of her only advantage.

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