Three Kisses ☏ 3

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  warning: use of curse words. slightly suggestive? Idk, its just kissing?? And Holtzmann being really flirty, and Erin flustered...
Two very strong drinks later,
     Erin falls onto the booth, her landing creating a creaking noise as the leather creased under her weight. A giggling Holztmann follows after, her hair wilder than ever.
   "Looks like you got into a fight? What the crap happened to you?" Abby raises her eyebrows at Erin.
Her red bangs where plastered to her head, with sweat, and her button up was drenched with different sorts of alcohol, and nacho sauce.
"You wouldn't believe what happened," Holtzmann blurted out in between gasps. Her pushed back her wild hair and launched into a very animated retelling of how Erin managed to launch a plate full of nachos into the air and manage to still eat half of the chips.
Erin grabbed a handful of napkins and began to wipe the slop off her shirt. She looks over to the lady beside her, and she felt her heart flutter ever so slightly. The night had regained the light in her eyes and the beautiful color to her cheeks. Erin was filled with over whelming joy and she felt herself getting reeled in. With her eyes still trained on the engineer, she went to grab for more napkins.
  "Hold that thought Holtz. Erin, you're a mess. Let me go find Patty, she's outta have your wet wipes you keep bugging us to carry." Abby cut Holtzmann mid thought and slid out of the booth. She then disappeared into the ocean of dancing bodies.
   "Anyone home in Erin-Ville?" Holtzmann casually asked as she gently tapped on Erin's head.
  Erin blinked, and her heartbeat grew faster and faster. Her drunken mind began to think for her and she leaned in closer, closer then she would have ever dared if she was sober.
Holtzmann's hand reached up, and gently caressed the flustered face of redhead in front of her. Erin's eyes closed, automatically, as she felt Holtzmann's soft lips brush against hers. She could feel her warm breath on her, smelling of alcohol and mint. Even after all the junk Erin had consumed in the past hour, she felt starving for something better. She felt Holtz's thumb brush against her cheekbone softly.
"Man, you do look like a mess." Holztmann said as she pulled away, leaving Erin in awe. She licked her thumb and smirked.
  "I like their guac. Lemme order some more." She turned away, trying to flag down a server. 
Erin could not believe Holztmann's nerve. She could feel her sober self resurfacing, practically yelling at her to complain about what the hell just happened.
  "What the fuck Holtzma-" Erin began, but was interrupted by the grabbing of the devil herself, and the crash of their lips.
Erin's skin shuddered as her world spun. Her eyes shut as she felt Holztmann scoot closer, not moving their lips apart, even for a second.
As for Holtzmann, she felt like her heart practically burst through her. Her only wish, her only dream was finally accomplished. Her hands shook as she pushed herself closer, her sweaty hands sticking to the worn out leather.
"Told ya! Where's my 10 dollars?" Erin heard Patty exclaim from the front of the booth. The remark was soon responded to by a slap of a crisp dollar on her hand by Abby. Holtzmann's lips curled into a smirk as she pulled away, leaving Erin stuck in awe.
"There'll be more of that later," she said as she stood up from the booth, licking her lips and pushing back her curly curtain of hair.
"Next round is on me." She continued as she made her way down to the bar.
"Holtz!" Erin squealed as they made their way into the firehouse. Holtzmann tightened her grip on Erin's waist and grinned.
Erin put her coat on the couch and leaned against the arm, staring at Holtz. She looked so happy, the first time in days. Her blue eyes gleamed and her cheeks were rosey with a sweet glow. Erin stepped towards the engineer, gently placing her hand on Holtzmann's face, cupping pale cheek. Holtzmann smiled almost shyly as she looked up into Erin's chocolate brown eyes.
"Wow." Erin mumbled as she stared down at Holtzmann.
"Wow yourself," Holtzmann returned before turning ever so slightly to place a gentle kiss on her hand. She smirked before making her way to the stairs, leaving Erin alone in the middle of the the first floor.
Erin didn't follow, instead she stood there, her hands clenched to the sides of her.
   At this point, Erin knew she couldn't leave her. She knew that Holtzmann would break if she would have left. She wanted to apologize.
And she did. And it took a total of Four Days to get it right.


I SUCK AT UPDATING IM SORRYYY!!!  Ughhh im so sorry
sorry for the short chapter, but alot happened!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2018 ⏰

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