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Hey guys I want ur help please... For once go n open all the shots of this story n tell me is there any problem in opening or reading... R u all getting to see all the chapters...

N second thing...
Please tell me truly R u all not liking my ff

💞SWARAGINI💞 FF💕: ""💔💔 A Tale Of An Incomplete Love @nd Broken Trust💔💔""
Please tell clearly...I feel so because I am not getting equal response as I m getting here...

Vaise to I said that I will upload late this time late... But I m on correct time...
N for a while I am keeping my ff on hold

💞SWARAGINI💞 FF💕: ""💔💔 A Tale Of An Incomplete Love @nd Broken Trust💔💔""

N please tell me what I have asked n then read this part Please Please....

Ready to see jealous Sanskar 😉😉😉...

Next day....

at night when swara came back... she found Arnav waiting for her... he asked her about Aarav... n was shocked to know that his sister left him alone at that place...

she didn't told him about all what happened in the hotel... she told him that she left him because she was angry because of the car incident...

Arnav instead of getting angry on Sanskar felt pity for him... without telling swara he called him for lunch as it was Sunday....

at lunch time...

swara was arranging the table when someone ring the doorbell...

Arnav: I'll open the door...

swara: okay...

he opened the door and found Araav there...
he smiled seeing him...

arnav: hi...

araav: hi...

arnav:how r u... n I m sorry for swara's yesterday behavior... u know she is some what rude with strangers...

araav: it's okay.... I understand (felt bad on the word "strangers")

he took him towards the dinning table... where swara was present... she turned her gaze n found sanskar seeing her...

she ignored him n started her work n then went to the kitchen... arnav followed her...

as Arnav entered the kitchen... swara attacked him with her questions...

swara: what's wrong with you Bhai???why did u called him here???

arnav: what's wrong in it shona... n give him some respect he is our guest...

swara: respect my foot...

arnav: are why r u reacting so much... don't worry he is not ur husband that u have to tolerate him ur whole life...

he said all this without realizing... swara became sad listening to him... after realizing what he said... he started speaking...

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