Chapter 1 - Captured

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 It was a warm day is Southern California, 97 degrees to be exact. There, on a small beach house on the shore you can find two sisters, Kat and Vivian, playing in the sand. They were inseparable. Their legs kicked up sand as they ran on the sandy floor of the beach. Vivian slowed down and let Kat touch her back.

"Tag! You're it!" Kat giggled as she ran in the opposite direction. Kat wasn't very fast. She had just turned five years old as of yesterday. Vivian was 16, she had a job and graduated high school early. She was going to move out and go to college to get a degree in journalism.

She hated to have to leave Kat alone with their parents, but she couldn't stay. She was going to tell Kat tomorrow. She started to walk across the beach. Leaving sandy footprints as she slowly made her way to her house, Kat on her heels.

As the sisters approached their home Vivian spotted an unidentifiable figure in the window. They had on a black and white suit with a red tie. They also carried a briefcase with some kind of logo printed on the side of it. It was someone she had never seen before. She was curios ... but shrugged it off. She continued towards the front door when she heard the briefcase open. She continued to hear her parents shrieks as a mysterious gun-like object was removed from the case and pointed at them.

Vivian grabbed Kat's hand and ran across the sand surface of the beach as fast as she could. She felt Kat flinch as whatever weapon the man had was fired. The loud-sharp sound echoed trough the landscape as he exited the house. He spotted the run-away girls and began to chase them at alarming speeds.

Vivian kept running. However, the man caught up and took out yet another weapon and aimed directly at the girls, who were now cornered against a palm tree. He fired the weapon and both girls instantly fainted.

He wrapped them in bags and throw him in a van, where his partner greeted him. The van drove away, toward the other end of the large beach. The van soon reached a fenced off area and input a code into the security system. After he had punched in the correct numbers the gate slid open and the proceeded to take out the bags and load the still unconscious girls into a small motor boat.

(A/N - Tell me what you guys thing so far! Do you like this or the original better? Sorry this took so long! BTW My sequel to the original is discontinued ... however, I will continue it after I finish this!)

Thanks for the support!

 "Stay wild my friends!"

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