Chapter 5

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Seta reflexively covered her stomach with her hand as it tightened painfully. It was the fifth pang in the last ten minutes they'd been traveling.

Christian glanced at her middle from where he sat on the other side of the seat. "With age, you will be able to go longer periods of time between feedings. Eron is aware of your hunger and he will see to it you have blood soon."

"You are sure?" She rubbed her sore belly.

"He is your sire. He feels your hunger. He will stop when he finds something."

"You mean someone."

"If there is someone available, yes. We can also feed on animal blood if need be. It is not nearly as appealing, but it preserves our life which is the most important thing."

Seta scrunched her nose at the thought of feeding from an animal, however the absurdity that she did not find human blood revolting was not lost on her.

A woman's cries rent the air as their carriage picked up speed.

"What was that?" Seta asked as Christian pulled back the thick covering over the window and peeked outside.

"A woman is being attacked." He looked back at her. "It would appear your dinner has arrived."

The carriage came to a stop and Christian threw open the door, leaping out in one fluid motion before extending his hand to her.

Seta placed her hand in his and allowed him to pull her free of the shelter the carriage provided. The night had grown darker but the full moon allowed clear visibility for the ten thieves to see the lone woman traveling by carriage. Seta saw Eron effortlessly toss one of the men into a tree before turning to punch another.

Seta locked eyes with the small, pale woman as she clutched the top of her dress together, as Christian left her side to assist Eron. Tears covered the woman's face as she lay next to her carriage.

Seta quickly covered the distance to the woman's side, swiping out with her arm as one of the attackers tried to stop her. He flew backward as if hit with a battering ram but Seta barely felt a thing.

"How did you do that?" the woman asked as Seta kneeled before her, eyes wide.

"It does not matter," she answered, checking the woman for signs of injury. "You appear unhurt, except for your dress. Did they force themselves on you?"

"That one tried." She pointed to a large, bearded man lying on his back, groaning. "Your driver pulled him away."

"Get into your carriage and fix your dress," Seta directed her as her blood heated. "Do not come out until I say it is safe."

"You must join me!" The woman gripped her arm. "We must let the men protect us."

"I will be fine," Seta promised. "Now do as I said."

She helped the woman into the carriage and closed the door, turning in time to see the bearded man approaching her, a lascivious smirk plastered across his oily face.

"You will find I am not as easily cornered as she," she warned the man, smirking herself as she likened him to Count Roberto Garibaldi. "Come closer and you will not see another night."

The man laughed. "You have fire. I like fire."

"Truly?" Seta conjured a powerful green flame in her hand, succeeding in what she had failed while under Roberto's attack, and launched it at the man's face.

His screams filled the air as he swatted at his blazing beard.

Seta quickly took stock. Christian and Eron had defeated most of the men, leaving their broken bodies along the dirt road. They now each faced off with one opponent each, leaving her with only the burning man and a stomach growling for attention.

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