Epilogue - The End

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Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation - Anonymous

Be warned there are scenes which may not be appropriate for everyone.


After Daniel was dismissed from the hospital he had to go to therapy, he couldn't walk but I still helped him get his strength back. It took us nearly a year to finally get our health and happiness back, I still had nightmares about losing Daniel but I would wake up drenched in my own sweat. Daniel would calm me down and hold me in his arms until I fell asleep.

Jack and Tia had married in a small church, we had a small celebration with my auntie and the gang. My auntie wasn't happy at first but when she got to know Jack she couldn't be more happier for the couple. After a couple months Tia got pregnant and she gave birth to the most adorable girl ever, and I can proudly say that I'm the godmother.

Leo went back to playing girls and partying all night, lets just say he went back to being a man whore but no one seemed to mind. Except Paris. She was the one who always complained about his behaviour and she always seemed jealous and angry when Leo came back to the mansion drunk with a slut hanging from his arms. It disturbed her but after a while she got over it, she started dating a handsome Spanish hunk. They were happy but Paris didn't truly love the Spanish hunk, and that's where Leo comes into the story. Whenever Paris went out on a date, Leo would follow her and ruin her night.

One time Leo walked into the mansion with Paris slung on his shoulder, she was screaming profanities at him but he just laughed as if it was the funniest thing. When he put Paris down she plunged a blunt knife in his leg, yet that didn't stop Leo. For about a couple months everyone was entertained by Leo and Paris but then we started to see a change, we found out that they actually both loved each other. So in the end they became a couple but sometimes everyone felt sick of their relationship. Why? Because every time they had sex Leo would come to breakfast and explain in detail the things he did to Paris and he even mimicked her moaning. We still wonder how we're sane after all this time of living with Leo.

Mathew and Ben decided that they wanted to stay in London and work for my real father the 'Boss'. They seemed quite happy with their decision. As for David he told me that he was in love with Shaggy and he was trying to do everything to win her heart. I truly think he will win her heart. As for Ben he didn't care about being in a relationship, he went out clubbing and just had fun. He claimed that life was too short to fall in love but I have a feeling he will change his mind in the future. Mathew however he found his true love, a beautiful petite blonde who I met when everyone came to visit us during the holidays. She was so sweet and we bonded as soon as we met.

The 'Boss' well he still was running the gang and doing all the illegal shit not that I was concerned, we have been talking trying to make our relationship better. I still don't consider him as my father but I'm slowly starting to accept the idea, he isn't as bad as he seems and he even cares for me. It's nice to know I'm loved.

Daniel and I still bickered but we were inseparable, our love was too strong to break. We were considering to move to LA but we were still thinking about it, Daniel had grown to love Spain and he considered it as home.

It was my birthday I was finally turning twenty and it was surreal to know how far I've come, never in a million years would I dream of being alive at the age of twenty. I always thought I would die during a gang fight but I'm proud of myself. I'm a survivor.

I was dressed in a back maxi see through lace dress, it hugged my curves and I looked beautiful in it. My hair was curled in a up do and my makeup was natural but my red matte lips stood out. Daniel wanted to treat me to a nice romantic night, he had hired a yacht and we were going to Tenerife for a couple days. I put my black heels on and walked down the stairs slowly being careful not to fall down and die.

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