One: Time-Traveling in a Chrome-Colored Egg isn't Fun

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The Holy Spear-Warrior and His Channel

One: Time-Traveling in a Chrome-Colored Egg Isn't Fun

Hi, my name's Saljerr Martin, but you can call me Jerry. I was born on March 15th 2298 and I'm fourteen, I go to TimeTriumph Boarding School, it's basically built in the lab/building that the very first time-travel took place at (which happened in 2217).

I'm a direct descendant of someone from the 1700s, which is actually very rare these days, usually one in every hundred-thousand-something people are related to someone famous, which is actually pretty big since there are only 2 billion people in the world now. A lot of them moved to the moon, Mars, or the other few planets that we've found habitable in close-enough galaxies.

"Mr. Martin, I would appreciate it if you paid attention to the screen." Comes the coolly drawling voice of my teacher, Mr. Kendall. He's the youngest teacher here, but he's also one of those teachers that doesn't care about anything but making sure that his students get the best grades because of their own minds, no matter how unorthodox the method may be, he doesn't even notice how a lot of the girl teachers drool over him.

Another thing is that this school uses old methods. Usually, kids go to school online, instead of going to the school itself and learning from teachers in person and spending time with other students.

"Sorry, sir." I say, putting my eyes on the screen so that my thoughts can wonder and not get caught doing so, but it might not hurt seeing to what's on the screen.

"And so Benedict Arnold was branded a traitor, but it wasn't his betrayal of the colonies that made him a traitor, it was his lack of selfless morals." The woman on the screen says. I feel my fist clench, I know Benedict was a traitor, but he was also a hero, so something had to've gone wrong somewhere... And I know what had, it's just that these people don't have their facts straight.

"Mr. Martin, would you care to say anything about this film?" Mr. Kendall asks, slightly questioning purple eyes looking at me through his glasses.

"It was informative," I quip, and that's all I have to say.

Mr. Kendall's eyes linger for a second before saying, "I see." Then the clock rings three and the bells of the school chime, signaling that school is over. "Every one of you should have an essay on Benedict Arnold by Monday; turn it in first thing once entering. The one with the best essay will get his or her's read out loud to the class." He says, hands on his desk authoritavely.

"Yes, Mr. Kendall." The class choruses.

"Good, you're all dismissed." He says.

I get up, putting my stuff into my bag, dropping it when someone purposely bumps into me. My things are scattered all over the ground. I pick it up, leaving without one glance back while feeling eyes gazing apathetically at my back, which is usually how I leave a classroom.

"Hey, Jerry!" I hear someone call, I turn to see Kyle Phantom, he's my roommate, also my best and only friend.

"Yeah?" I ask as he catches up.

"Do you have any homework?" He asks.

"Yeah, an essay on Benedict Arnold for Kendall's class." I answer.

He looks at me weirdly, "And you're in no way upset by this?" He asks.

"Why should I be?" I ask.

"Because Benedict's your ancestor! And... you know..." He says, trailing off, and I know then what he's trying to convey.

"Thanks for worrying, but I'm perfectly fine." I say.

"You should know not to say perfect, because we all know that whenever there's perfection in this world, it always leads to trouble." Kyle says seriously.

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