A Fishy Death.

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Undyne got word from Alyphs that Sans had went into the ruins. But she didn't question it. Alyphs and she both knew he sat out there and talked to himself all the time.

Alyphs realized something strange when he walked out of the ruins. He had his hood over his head as he started to walk out of the ruins.

Undyne was on watch for humans. Alyphs was doing her daily chores with the Amalgamates, and her study of DETERMINATION and how to free the monsters.

But Alyphs couldn't help but stare at Sans. He was staring right into the camera.
Suddenly all of her cameras shut off, and soon after all her power.
Alyphs quickly calls Undyne on her cell phone.

Undyne picks up the phone screaming "ALYPHS RUN, HE HAS GONE CRAZY HE- HE IS GOING TO KILL YOU. IM SO SORRY ABOUT EVERYTHING I TRIED TO STOP HIM I-" all Alyphs heard after that was the wind and Sans laughing. She quickly opened the hatch to the Amalgamates and started to flee.
But when Alyphs went outside she was soon met with Sans with a bottle of dust.
She was confused. How was he here he was just in Snowdin?!
Sans threw the bottle to Alyphs.

She looked at Sans, into his black eye sockets.

After everything that has already happened to Alyphs, Sans is the only one who knows everything and kept his mouth shut.

She returned her attention to the bottle at her feet.
She assumed it was Undyne and started to cry.

She knows she isn't able to stop Sans and soon, she would be in that bottle happily with Undyne.

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