NOT a Beauty Queen

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I don't mind walking into public with messy hair,

Or with bags under my eyes,

These bags are designer and are not going anywhere.

Tell me who the hell is VIP?

What will it take to get a backstage pass?
A batter of the eyelashes?
Or a flick of my dark hair?

Sadly, I have that typical natural African hair

So I'd look like I had a sore neck if I tried.

I love the catwalk!

But I laugh at myself every time I practice in front of the mirror.

I look ridiculous

But I don't mind it

It's me and I love it!

I don't have the walk in closet

Or the six foot dresser with an assortment of pointless cosmetics.

Why would I use rose water?

I'm not overly conscious of my looks

And my boyfriend loves me for that.

I'll put on a nice dress for an evening out on the town, sure

Just no glitter, no sequins, no shimmer

I don't want to look like a disco ball.

So listen women of all nations

All you Dior lovers and eyebrow enthusiasts

I won't be caught in your cult of glitter and fake smiles.

Why you ask?

The answer is simple, darling.

I am not a beauty queen.

A/N: 'EYEBROW ENTHUSIASTS' how do i come up with these things.

So there's the first poem, please share, comment, vote and be yourself! There's only one you anyway.

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