7. Helpless

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After Hannibal's dinner date, I have felt an eerie presence surround me. At night and when I walk the streets, I feel that I'm not alone. I considered Hannibal following me, since he had left me many flowers in the past few days. Still, I was unsure.
When Wednesday night approached, four days after Hannibal's party, I was excited for work to be over. I still took the arranged rides left for me by Hannibal, the drivers always being cautious around my leg. Today had been stressful, Will wanted me to go over more information for his new profile. He had linked him to the Chesapeake Killer, noticing similarties in the murders, including cannibalistic clues.
"Will, there isn't enough information for me to find any new leads." I explained. "Well keep looking!" He snapped, he had been like this for the past few days.  "Will, don't get mad at me. I'm not your personal secretary." I scolded. I usually let stuff like this go, but honestly Will was starting to get on my nerves. He had no right to speak to me this way.
Before Will could object, Hannibal cut it off short. "Do not speak to a young lady like YN that way. She deserves your highest of respect." Will bit his lip before leaving the room, making sure to slam the door behind him. Will may not respect me, but he feared Hannibal.
Once I arrived home, I was eager to slip into some more comfortable attire. The baggy sweatpants hung off my cast as my crutches led me to the kitchen. There honestly wasn't much of anything, the most appetizing thing being an old box of takeout. I sighed and closed the refrigerator door when the doorbell dinged.
I unlocked the door with one hand before moving out of the way. "Come in!" I called from the other side. I watched as an angry looking Will stepped inside. He was red in the face, his fists balled up at the sides. This was not the calm, loving Will I knew. "Will, what's wrong?" I asked.
"You should know!" He exclaimed. I looked at him with arched eyebrows. "Uh, no. I don't." I replied. "You set all of that up, didn't you?" He accused. "Will, please, what are you talking about?"
"Well, your boyfriend decided to have a little chat with me. If you had a fucking problem, why the hell didn't you come to me?" "I never had a problem!" "Then why did Hannibal corner me in the office this afternoon threatening me?" He screamed back. I looked at him in shock.
"He threatened you?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "Yeah. He did. He said he would be able to find a way to get me fired if I ever spoke to you in a disrespectful fashion. Seriously YN? I was the one who helped you get this job!" I sighed and shook my head "I didn't do shit Will, I never even talked to Hannibal when he left."
Will snorted sarcastically before starting out the door "Just, keep your boyfriend in control." He spat. I ground my teeth and watched him leave. "He isn't my boyfriend!"

I Think I'll Have Your Heart, (A Hannibal x Reader story)Where stories live. Discover now