Introductions ;)

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Phoebe: Hey y'all its me Phoebe. I'm currently 13 years old and live with my mom and bigger brother. I sometimes stay at my dad's house. My favorite color is blue. I love to listen to music, sing songs, read stories, watch tv, hang with my friends and swim in the pool. My favorite foods are: brownies, black forest cake, Hershey's Pie and Wendy's. My best friend is Shay since we've been toddlers. I have baby blue eyes and long blonde hair that reaches just below my waist. I'm 5ft1" tall and I'm very sickly. I have autism, epilepsy and fainting spells. I'm a genuinely nice person who loves people. Oh and before I forget I attend the East mount High School. I live in California in a two story house. On the first floor you have the living room, dining room, kitchen,wash room,store room,library,gym,and a guest room. On the second floor there's my room, Connor's room, mom's room,4 guest rooms,our theater and game room. In my room I have a 16" flat screen TV, a queen sized bed with a night stand on both sides, a 1 Direction themed rug,purple painted walls etc. That's all for now y'all bye.

Shay:Hi I'm Shay. I'm thirteen and a half years old. I live with both my parents and my two younger siblings here in California. We live in a regular 4 bedroom house 5 blocks away from Phoebe. She's been my BFF since pre-k. I'm originally Canadian but came here to live as my parents thought we'd live a better life here. I have hazel eyes, long brown hair and I wear black glasses. I enjoy listening to music and skateboarding. Later y'all.

Jaden: Good day everyone I'm Mr McLean, Phoebe and Connor's father. I'm a multi-trillionaire and the current CEO and founder of Facebook and Apple. I live in a decent modernised house with 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, kitchen, dining etc here in California. My wife and I have been divorced for over 9 years and counting. I have light green eyes and brown hair. Good bye for now have an urgent meeting to attend.

Katie: Good morning everyone I'm Mrs McLean Phoebe and Connor's mom. I'm a stay at home mom who is a real estate agent and a YouTube vlogger. Therefore the cash is rolling in like wildfire. I have long platinum blonde hair and sapphire eyes. I enjoy taking selfies. I'm on snapchat, facebook, Twitter, instagram, recharge, YouTube, whatsapp, etc. I know I'm social media crazy. TTYL 😊

Connor: Sup dudes and dudette's. I'm Connor Phoebe's big brother. I'm 15 years old..... I live with my mom and Phoebe and stay at my dads house sometimes. I LOVE playing video games and skateboarding and hanging with my homies. I have blonde hair and blue eyes bye.

Marshall: woof woof howl

A/N: This was the introductory section when they all introduced themselves. Hope you liked it. :)

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