Part 2

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Pic of Seth's wolf above.
Hey guys I hope your liking my story so far. I hope you like the Seth pov. As always I'll ask you to like and comment. Ok enjoy.
Seth pov:
I walked into the alpha training grounds feeling confident. I was going to become the alpha of the second largest pack. The blue moon pack. We were second to the shadow pack. They were the cruelest pack ever. Their leader is heartless and so is his child.

I looked around and saw my friends Garth and Ben sitting at a table. I went over to them. "Hey man you excited." Garth asked. "Ya man this is going to be a walk in the park."

We talked for a couple of minutes. Until the most wonderful scent filled my nostrils. I looked around but could figure out were the smell was coming from so I tried forget about it.

Then they announced a name. It was the name of a female. I looked at the entrance and sure enough there was a female there. I looked at the guys and they looked as shocked as me. I looked around and realized everyone looked shocked.

She just looked around and walked in. She went toward a corner and sat down. I wanted to go talk to her but Ben asked "Dude do you know who she is, they didn't say her pack." Garth and I shook our heads. "It must be one of the really small and weak packs because they sent a girl."

For some reason that ticked my wolf off and made him want to give Garth a good pounding but I held him back. Ben pointed at her and said "Oh no, Jake is going to go talk to her." I looked around and realized how quiet it had gotten.

Everyone was listing to there little exchange. When Jake called her beautiful I wanted to punch him so bad I almost shifted. I quickly got a hold of my wolf and listened to see what Kylie would say. "No but I got a couple scratches when I dug my way up from hell." I was trying very hard to hold back a laugh so I gave a small cough to cover it up. I could tell Jake was shocked because no one ever tried to turn him down.

The guys and I were at a loss for words because of this female. When it was finally time for us to go to the cabins. Our new instructor started calling names and when he got to Kylie he really got an earful from her.

Note to self don't talk about Kylie being female when she is in ear range I thought to myself. We walked around but I could hardly pay attention because I was to busy looking at Kylie. She was absolutely breath taking with her long legs and curly brown hair. I just couldn't stop looking at her

When we finally got to the cabins the instructor told Kylie "Ok Kylie you will be staying here with everyone else." "You will not be treated any differently because you are a female." She just nodded her head and walked in.

I quickly ran inside because I wanted a good bunk. I ran to the middle of the room and got one of the top bunks. I looked around and saw that no one tried to sleep under Kylie's bunk. I ended up with George under me. George is ok he is from a pretty weak pack but he is a nice guy.

I talked with the guys for a little while but I couldn't stop thinking about Kylie. "Dude if your so interested in Kylie go talk to her." Ben whispered to me probably so that Kylie wouldn't hear him. "No way man I don't want her to yell at me like she did with Jake." "Fair enough I wouldn't want to either."

Finally it was time to go to dinner. I made the short walk to the cafeteria. I grabbed two slices of meat loves pizza and sat down new to Garth and Ben. I started eating but couldn't take my eyes off Kylie. I saw Jake go over and talk to her. I was straining my ears trying to hear their conversation but it was to noisy.

After some time I saw Jake quickly run away and come sit next to us. "What happened." I asked. He just looked at me and said "That girl is sassy and scary."

I looked over at Kylie one last time before I continued eating. After a nice dinner we finally went back to the cabins.

I immediately grabbed my stuff and got in the shower because I was not in the mood for a cold one. Suddenly I though what is Kylie going to do? These showers are just small walls with a curtain for a door how is she going to shower.

I just  shrug my shoulders and finished my shower. Once I am done I get dressed and go to my bunk.

After talking with the boys I look over and saw Kylie was still reading I wanted to ask her about what she was reading, her pack, and her. I really wanted to know more about her and this shocked me because I usually just used girls then threw them out.

I didn't treat them like trash but when they got needy it was time for them to go. Never once did I want to know something about a girl but this was different I really wanted to know about this one girl.

I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts and laid down. Right when I was about to fall asleep I hear someone getting out of their bunk. I waited not wanting to make any noise.

After a couple minutes I hear the shower running. I looked around and realized it was Kylie. Smart girl I thought with a small smile on my face.

I heard the bathroom door opening and laid down trying to slow my heart rate. She didn't seem to notice and went to sleep. I thanked the lord that she didn't hear me and went to sleep thinking about Kylie.
Quick announcement I will be trying to do an update everyday or ever other day. I hope your liking my book. Thank you so much for reading. Please like and comment.

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