Gary's Therapy Journal

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So, this is my Therapy Journal. Therapy and Journal MUST be capitalized at all times. Only because I want them to be. And this is my Journal. So what I say goes. Now... How do I start this stupid thing off? It's not like anyone's gonna read it. And yes, I did use the word gonna. Fuckin' deal with it. My Journal. Not yours. Technically, I'm typing, so this isn't a Journal. But it's my Journal. And what I say goes. I'm mostly stating this information so I can mess around with the bold and italic features this Journal has to offer. No one really uses the underline selection though. It looks stupid. In my opinion. And this Journal is where I'm supposed to state my opinions. So no one can argue and I have to tell off the ignorants in this world. They are mostly insulted by my intelligence alone. Oh. I gotta insert a new paragraph. Hold on.

Ok, I'm back. I double spaced it and even indented. Why can't I do this great a job on my school work? Because that's exactly what they want. The trick is to pretend to be all dumb, then they give you the easy work. It's not like I can't handle the regular and even the advance work, it just takes a few minutes longer to complete. And I need my spare time. Mostly plotting. Plotting? For what? Schemes, meals, outfits, daily routines, and even the order of the routine. I must be organized and open with my time. Things come up. Things I refuse to mention at the moment. Why? Because I am not very trusting of you yet Journal. I'm getting sick of writing (typing) Journal. And Therapy Journal is a long-ass name. Hold on.

Anyway, it's a long name. So maybe a nick name. How about... (Insert three dots for suspense and to fill the space while I think) TJ. Therapy Journal. See? TJ works just fine. So TJ, why do I have you? Why must I fill my feelings, thoughts, knowledge, and such on your blank and dull pages? Because my therapist, Dr. Ballimibo (or however the hell you spell the asshole's name) suggested (forced) me to use you. TJ, can I tell you something? I keep pushing the "H" key instead of the "J" key, so your name comes out as "TH" before I hit backspace and change your name to the correct "TJ". One sec.

Where am I to start? I mean, this is just the dumb introduction. I was thinking of just writing (typing) "intro", but "introduction" seems more formal. Why am I being so formal? I'm not. Sometimes I just like to improve on my writing. Not like anyone but you and I will see this TJ. Well TJ, I think I'm safe with you, safe to write down (type) my feelings on your blank, dull pages. But I warn you know, I may have to burn you if you become a threat to me. But I'll do my best and anything within my power to make sure you do not succeed in taking over my reputation. It's only if anyone stumbles across you. Hmm... (Hmm... Means I'm pretending to think. I most likely already know what I'm going to say, but I would like to make this a little interesting. Maybe I could look through this some day (lol I accidentally wrote fat instead of day) and remember my feelings in my life as a thirteen year old.) What to write... (See? Suspense and character in this thing TJ.) But seriously. I need something to write.

Maybe start out with my day? Nah, that's too girly. And girls are ICKY. Yes, I am thirteen and I have used the term "icky". But you will just have to deal with it TJ. I guess I'll finish off this paragraph and then turn to the next page. Maybe a bio (biography) about myself. A short one though. You don't need to know everything about me TJ, just the basics. So how was your day? Oh, wait, you're a Journal, you don't have an opinion on your day. It's sad really. You don't have a mind, and are less intelligent than most of the students at my last school. Smarter than some, or like half the population. Maybe even more. That most is probably way off. Anyway, see you on the next page TJ!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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