The last Dragon: Life on the other side

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Chapter Two


The celebrations continued until well into the wee hours of the morning and it was not until nearly day break when Jaia finally went to sleep. Bryann had shown her where she would be living the next little while, and she plopped herself down on a bed softer than anything she had ever slept on. It was as though the bed was lifting her but also moved to support her no matter how she positioned herself. I will have to take a closer look in the morning, thought Jaia, as she drifted off to sleep. Jaia was so tired she did not even look around the dimly lit room. It was a small room with space for a small bed and chair, there was also a stained glass window that had a silver Blue dragon etched on it.

Jaia was in a deep sleep and dreaming wildly when she woke suddenly. Knock, knock!!! "Hmmmm," Jaia murmured as she rolled over in her bed. The knocking continued, but much louder now!! "who is it?", yelled Jaia, who could be knocking on my door at this hour? "Come on, get up, time to start your training!" "What!, Jaia looked at her watch, it was 6 am, she had only gone to bed an hour ago. Jaia sighed and went back to sleep, the training could wait till later and she fell deep asleep going back to her dreams. Jaia dreamt of camping in Taiga with her parents. The coniferous trees were massive and her parents were there to study the largest living biome in the world. Living in this forest for two months had a big impact on Jaia. Being so close to nature and living outdoors spawned a deep love of nature in Jaias heart and soul. Jaias mind floated in and out of new and old memories until finally she could not tell the difference, all her thoughts became one.

The bedroom window opened up and slowly lifted her body up off the bed and out the window. Slowly she floated down a path into the woods, birds flew up startled, as Jaia passed by. "Hey," Jaia woke up in a hurry, "where am I? This was not a dream after all. How did I get here? Wait a minute!!!, put me down!" The force carrying her did not listen and continued on. Jaia resigned herself to just going with it to see where it would take her. Finally a clearing appeared and there was a white marble platform off to the right side of the clearing. The marble glittered in the sunlight, there were specs of gold in the marble. As Jaia got closer, to the platform, she could see that is was much larger than it looked. Closer and closer she came and when she was at the edge, of the platform, she hovered inches from the ground.

The platform seemed to pulsate, like it was a living being. Jaia was taken closer, slowly the platform started to vibrate, she saw melon sized white orbs protruding from the top of the platform, there were thousands of them! Slowly the orbs pushed their way out of the platform, as the orbs continued their upward spiral, stalks formed underneath the orbs. "What the heck are those?, I don't know if this is a good thing." "Woahhhhh stop, stop, put me down!" Jaia was lifted high and this time she was lying on her back. Slowly she felt herself lowered to the orbs below. Try as she might she could not change her course, she struggled to free herself but the force held her fast in its grips. "Oh my God what have I gotten myself into?" " Jaia was gently placed on top of the stocks, slowly her mind drifted into oblivion, like she was in a deep sleep. The orbs had released a fine mist that had put Jaia into a deep sleep. With Jaia in a trance the stocks began moving more quickly up and down on their stalks. When the stalks reached as high as they could go, they spun Jaia in circles as they slowly descended. Jaia's mind raced, she was not sure what was going on but all her past memories were flashing through her mind, even ones she had long forgotten. It was like a slide show playing though her mind but her memories were being stored somewhere, as soon as they flashed through her mind they vanished. The stalks flashed a piercing white strobe light each time it reached the height of its stalk, then gave off a huge flash of light and continued its course up and down.

At one point her body blurred to the point where you could barely see her form, then the up and down motions slowly got faster and faster. Jaia was getting panicky now because she could feel her mind slipping away. It felt like her mind was being sucked out of her head, and with each spin on the orbs her body became more and more transparent. The orbs were slowly eating her, sucking the life out of her body! "Nooooooooo, oh my God no, please stop . . ." "I have to . . . . . . ." The stalks stopped their spinning, froze for several seconds and quickly lowered themselves into the great marble platform.

Nothing, it was as if Jaia vanished into thin air. Just utterly and completely gone. How can this be? Even her body vanished. Somehow those orbs consumed her. A voice broke the silence, "you will learn to not disobey the Dragons when they call you miss Jaia!" "Who are you, where am I? "What is going on, why cant I see or feel anything?" The air was still not a sound could be heard except a deep, loud, thumping sound. Slowly it got louder and louder. As the creature got closer it filled the sky, it was massive!!! Jaia, of course had no idea what was going on, she saw nothing.

The closer it came the louder it became, "thump" then a long pause "thump". As the form approached it looked like a massive bird but the color was unusual, it was a silvery light metallic blue. As the form approached the stalks slowly protruded out of the platform again. They were a silver metallic blue this time, and seemed to match the color of the approaching creature. The platform quadrupled its size and millions of these orbs made their way out of the platform, waving in the air like long grass in the wind. The orbs were much thicker, like massive tree trunks.

"I can't see my hands or feet, what has happened to me?, Jaia was really worried now, the orb experience left her deeply frightened. "Maybe it's just too dark in here for me to see anything." Jaia reached down and tried to touch her leg, but nothing was there. "Am I dead?" "Hellllo!!!! Is there anyone there?" "Someone please help me, maybe I am dead" Jaia began to cry, except there were no tears. "What is going on," "Whump!!!! Then a very loud thump, the earth shook. It felt like a huge asteroid hit the earth. "What was that?" Jaia decided to be quiet because whatever made that sound must be massive and she had had enough surprises for one day. There was a long eerie pause, "I wish I knew what made that noise."

The white marble platform grew larger and larger until it was the size of a football field. The orbs had small hooks on their tips and they were much thicker, they looked like huge tree trunks. Finally the massive creature stepped on the platform and laid down and closed its golden eyes. A rumbling began in the earth, slowly the silver blue creature was lifted off the ground and began the up and down motion that Jaia just experienced. Up and down, getting faster and faster, this time though instead of spinning the orbs rolled the massive creature from stalk to stalk. This captivating dance continued for hours, when suddenly Jaia opened her eyes and for the first time since her ordeal she could see, "I can see, oh my God I can see!!!, I am alive!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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