Chapter Two: what i am

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"yeah... out, like to a movie or like the mall or something..." he seemed staggered by the comment i had just made him answer, baffled by the oddness of my adhesive word and being aware of this fact only made the moment of complete silence all the more silent and in an understanding instant of humanities attention span, very awkward to endure.

"right, out," i mentally rubbed the back of my head in an odd reaction to the current moment as i had the sense of utter failure over come me in a wave of stupidity and personal detachment.

"Yeah." he began to laugh and at the same time express a masked sigh of relief as the conversation had come to a point where he found chance to end it before he was forced to endure another agonizing moment of compelling detachment, and i was glad it was over just as he was and so the laughter found its way to my diaphragm as it gave way to a rapid release and resonance of pressure shifting.

"So i'll pick you up at like, um lets say, 9?" he seemed so profound to complete the task he so desperately self inspired, but to be honest i was very eager as well.

Before I could even comprehend my moments existence I blurted out my response in a cough of words and confusion entertained by the thought of possibilities and expectations.

"9 sound awesome!" I could now feel my face begin to fill with warmth and color as I replayed the sounds my mouth had just made to myself but I still didn't let the over whelming amount of anxiousness to get to me because the one and only autem had just asked me out and...

"Okay well then see you then Ereka" my eyes lost their glassy veil and I replayed his words in my head now

"okay," I stopped as the moment finally began to seep its contents into my mind and body " bye... autem."

the feeling of excitement squeezed my body in to submission as I feel back into my bed...

"wait?" my eyes grew wide as I realized the time, 7:54 is what was displayed on the phone as I revealed it to my comprehension

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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