Undynes perspective

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Last night was great. Alphys is such a nerd tho! So I decided to go surprise Alphys and go to her lab. Alphys is gonna be happy I bet. I soon got there and opened her door but without her hearing. I went into usually where she is on her computer. SURPRISE I YELL!!!! She jumped. Undyne um what are u doing here she yelled! I thought u would be happy I came to surprise u lemme see what ur watching. Undyne ran up to her computer. Alphys tried to close her computer. But Undyne holds it up. Alphys um why is there a anime charachter that is a squid teaching a class I asked? Is he real? Alphys shut down her computer and said it's just a show she was embarrassed. I asked if we could whatch some more? She said well you know there's a lot of shows to pick from. I laughed. Alright ya wanna go to grill,bys with me she said ya. Lemme invite sans he better not buy me fish!!!. Alphys laughed at little. I decided to text sans
Undyne- hey bud
Sans- he bud chummey old pal
Sans-ya still mad
Undyne- no, maybe
Sans-srry my bone marrow is not working 👍
Undyne- 😒 wanna go to grillbys no ordering me fish!!!!
Undyne oh Alphys is coming to
Sans- sure I will walk there now.
Sans is offline
Undyne is offline

Ok Alphys let's go! Alphys got some pocky as a snack. She gets hungry! We made it to grillbys and saw sans making jokes to the bartender. We're both the right age to drink yet Alphys never gets anything. I just get some fries for me and sans is jugging down ketchup as usually Alphys takes a frie and says that she wonders where frisk is.

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