[Chapter 3] Gabe Makes a Life Changing Bet

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[AN: Thank you for reading.]

I know what you're thinking. You're a forty-year-old man stuck in a twenty-four year old body. And that makes perfect sense. I wasn't going to argue that point because it's completely true. Maybe, I'm just stereotyping the guys in my generation but I liked my shirts tucked in and I like my pants loose at the ankles and especially loose around my nuts. Gabe was a fudging magician the way he maneuvered in his dick clutching pants. It was almost as if he was ignoring the fact that they were squeezing the life out of it. Might cause problems for him in the future.

"Gabe why is your friend dressed like a father?" Russ says to Gabe. Russ is one of our roommates. I don't know whose most dumb: Russ or Gabe. Russ has some supersonic shit going on. He's wearing leather pants and a man bun. Who told him he had the rights to be fashion police? He belonged in a Katy Perry video.

I open my mouth in defense but Gabe cuts him off, "Tonight, we're going to help little Nick here get laid."

"God, is he still a virgin?" And that's Rayon, Gabe's black friend, and I'm not saying that in the most utterly racist way. I'm saying it as in Gabe only has a black friend so that he can say 'but I have a black friend'. He's one of our roommates too. And out of all three of them including Gabe, I liked him the most. Not because he scared me but because he didn't insult me twenty four hours in a day.

"Crayon.." I begin, and Rayon glares at me, " I'm not a virgin."

"That's surprisingly, since you're dressed like you belong in an all boys choir." Rayon chuckles, "Your bell bottoms out here sweeping up the STD's that lurks on NYC sidewalks."

"Very funny." I say, "But, I'll let you know that I picked chicks up in this very same pants."

"Grandmas?" Gabe joins in. The guys fall over in laughter.

I stare at them because nothing they were saying was funny. Truth is, all my pants look like this and I picked Jessica up in these same styled pants, "Jessica liked them."

Gabe eyes me, "Jessica likes a lot of things."

"Touché." I say, "I'm sure I can pick up a girl under their thirties in these pants."

Rayon walks over and clutches my shoulder, "Look man. Ain't nothing wrong with picking up a hunny whose tits hits her belly button because you know what that mean?"

My face crunches up in disgust, "I don't really what to know what that mean."

Rayon tells me anyways, "The ones who go for the young guys are always rich. Ain't nothing wrong in banging ancient ass if you getting paid a lot of cash."

"I see what you're up to when you're not home." Russ says, "Gross man. Have some standards man."

"Shut up man." Rayon side eyes Russ, "You should be the last one calling anyone choices gross. You're sporting a man bun."

"And, I look good in it." Russ retorts. He didn't. He looked like fool.

So you see what I have to deal with. You couldn't blame me for feeling bad for myself, because the truth is I felt extremely bad for myself. The fact that Gabe even considered these imbecilic friends said a lot about game. I think Gabe only kept them around to make himself much more appealing. That made sense. A whole lot.

He suddenly stops in front of a brightly lit building. It's a club with a whole lot of people lined up outside of it. I suddenly start to feel self-conscious because it's one of those hip clubs. My eyes look down at my flared pants to the people in the line. There's a guy in the line with green hair and leather jacket. I guess he was trying to give off a joker look. The thing is he pulled it off. There's girls in the line who are remarkably beautiful, and nakedly dressed but was I really going to pick up 'hunnys' dressed like this.

"Welcome to the Golden Bridges." Gabe says putting his hands out with excitement, "Nick this is about to be your greatest night ever. Up for a challenge?"

Gabe turns around and heads to the front of the line. Everyone on the line is looking at Gabe annoyed and curious about why he thought the front of the line was the best place to start. With all those eyes staring at me, I almost want to shrink. Gabe whispers and hands something to the bouncer who nods his head and opens the door for us. The crowd of people outside begin complain and sigh when we begin to walk into the club.

He begins to head straight to the bar, "You don't have to wait in line if you banged the shit out of club's owner."

"I didn't know you were bisexual." I comment. Makes him much more humane.

Gabe glares at me, "You're sexist. The club is owned by a woman."

The club is pretty much packed. Strobes are color hit each corner while people drunkly dance the night away to EDM and unfamiliar songs. I'm not a music person. I'm not even a drinking person. The last time I drunk I was a freshmen in college and that was some years ago. I couldn't imagine getting drunk again.

I look over and Gabe is already demanding the bartender to pour us shots. Gabe looks over and calls me, "Stop standing over there like a deer in headlights and come over here."

Russ and Rayon are already throwing shots down. I slowly walk over unsure about this all. Did I really want to drink with Gabe and his loser friends? I didn't even know my limit. This was all new to me. I glare at the drinks in agony. My eyes slowly moves frorm the drinks to the bartender who's filling the shot cups up with vodka, and then to the dance floor.

Maybe, this is cliché. In my head, it is. Seeing a girl that you like on the dance for dancing provactively, and she catches your attention. Usually, that happens to a notoriously bad boy, and no I don't read chic flicks. Okay, fine I do only for research. However, it wasn't one of those moments. The girl on the dance floor she wasn't dancing. She was pushing through the crowd of guys who were drying to dance with her.

"You see something you like." Gabe says, "How about that challenge?"

I turn to Gabe who's smiling, "Wipe that smile off your face."

"I'm serious." He nods, "Up for a challenge?"

"If I don't do it you and your friends are going to call me a bitch." I point out, "So I don't really have a choice."

Rayon nods his head, "I'm glad you know."

"I bet you can't get a kiss out of," Gabe spins around with his finger pointed and it lasts on the girl who was pushing through the crowd of guys, "That girl."

"That girl looks like she doesn't want to be here." I point out. She's frowning, and I'm sort of afraid she might dump her glass of whatever she was drinking on me. That would ruin my night and my outfit. Not that I cared about my outfit, but I just didn't want to be sticky.

Gabe clasps his hands together, "Then make her want to be here."

I look over at her. She is beautiful, and all the chances you don't take are missed. Her hair is curly and lays against her dark skin beautifully. I take a deep breath in. If I was going to end my night with a kiss from that girl then I would have to muster up a lot of confidence. That was a whole lot of confidence to collect, considering the fact that at this pivotal moment of my life I had zero. And I blame it on two people, and two people only: Gabe and Jessica.

"And if I lose?" I asked seeing what would happen if I actually agree to this bet.

Gabe smiles, "I get to give you a makeover."

"Only girls get makeovers."

"Fine." Gabe sighs, "A styleover."

I roll my eyes at the idiot, "Why?"

"Because most likely you might lose to your style." Gabe takes a swig of his drink, "And your personality but really mostly your style."

"You're a dick." I spit at him annoyed.

Gabe with a smirk on his face says, " A sweet dick. Now, how about it?"

I look over at the girl. "I'll do it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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