It just is...

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Hello. I'm Alex. Just Alex. I live in Pennsylvania, nothing much ever really happens around these parts. Same houses, same people, same everything.

"Where's Spain, anyway?" My dad added interrupting my thoughts. "It's in Mexico dad, Duh!" my dumb little brother retaliated. "No it's actually in Europe, I would know that!" My obnoxious yet very attractive sister Nina said in a sly accent.

"Of course you would, know it all", I slyly said under my breath. Of course I wasn't sly enough. Not surprising. "It's not my fault I'm smart, darling." She snapped back trying way to hard to sound like Holly from Breakfast at Tiffany's. Why even bother responding I thought to myself. So I simply just left, and headed straight to the bus stop.

It's pretty funny how iv been at this bus stop for more than 3 years yet and still I don't know the names of the other students here. I pretty much stopped being social about 4 years ago. When my best friend died. When someone so close to you dies you get a sense of hopelessness, if you've never lost someone you would never understand that feeling. No I'm not still sad about it. If accepted life's continuous cycle. You live to die, and that's just all their is to it. But it's funny, the last time I saw her in that casket, I thought to myself, what if that were me? This just sort of made me feel weak, about life, about everything. No I'm not suicidal. I'm just honest. If you're gonna keep reading you'll have to deal with that. I always thought of suicidal people as angels who really want to go back home, It makes me feel better thinking Kel died because she was an angel that wanted to go home, and not just another depressed, and miserable soul.

The bus pulled up, I didn't hesitate to get in. I always sat in the front. Same thing everyday. Sit in the front, plug in my headphones and wait till I headed to school.

The last day till summer, till high school is over, till my life begins. A sort of freighting thing to say really, I'm not very used to being on my own. Ok so maybe I used the wrong word. I guess I'm feeling scared. My whole high school experience itself was very average, very apprehensive.... If that makes sense to you at all.

CHAPTER 2....... Wait on it!

Chapter 2

So i guess you could say that my summer was goning to be a total BUMMER, sadly. But honestly it didnt bother me that much, summers always went this way for me, something inside me did want to change it, but what was it about me that made me so unappealing, so differant. I know they say being differant isnt really a bad thing, but for me it was. Just one of those things on my bucket list ; To be differant. So here i am , my average friday, reblogging photos on Tumblr, you know average, teen things. my phone buzzed, a text from my cousin Vinne, the only close friend i really have. "Hey cuz, wats up" , i read. i quickly replied with a normal "Nothing much, just tumbling". "Haha, as usual", he said "Im on Omegle". "Whats that?" i asked not really surprised, im nbot really one to know "new age technology". "Well gradmom, its a chat room where you can talk to random strangers, you should try it!" "And why would i want to try that?" i replied. He answered back with a "You shouldnt, your to shy to, gtg."

For some reason, this reason i knew, i felt like he was giving me an ultimatum as if he knew i didnt want to try it but saying i cant made me want to try it even more. So what did i do i diod it of course., i typed in, a bit afraid of what i was going to see. At first it said text or video. Me being my shy self obviously pressed chat, mostly because im not really looking my best, and im not in the mood to be judged by "random strangers". As it went on it listed list you interests, i left that spot blank thinking it would be best to take what was given to me and not to be picky. The first stranger i got was a guy, he said "ALK" which i was guessing ment age, location, and KIK, i responded "Does it matter??". "Of course it matters,I could be a 56 year old pervert you know." He stated, i could feel the alarmness in his voice, i answered with a "Well are you?", he quickly replied a "NO!". "Cool" I said then disconnected.

That was a weird conversation i thought to myself, not really having fun on this Omegle thing. Hitting the next button i got a guy name "Dirtyman", i quickly disconnected from that one knowing by his name that he wouldnt be much fun. Ok, thats enough Omegle for one night, i said to myself. I got on the app store and made a KIK, you know, just incase......

Chapter 3

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*, my alarm went. Why even wake up, i thought to myself. Schools over.


Chapter 3, to be continued guys!

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