Chapter One

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Chapter One

No need to rush things. If something is bound to happen it will in the right time, with the right person, and for the right reason.

I walk into the bedroom with my eyes building with water. I never realized how emotional being a mother can be. I wait for my husband to say something but he doesn't. It's not till I sniffle that he says something, "Baby what's wrong?"

I strip down till I'm in my bra and panties. I go over to the dresser and pull out a light purple cami and slip it on. "What's the matter Katie?" he asks again. I ignore him once again and walk over to the light switch and turn it off. I make my way over to the bed and hop in. I snuggle into Jake, my head on his bare chest and one of my legs thrown over his. He puts one arm around me and rests his hand on my back, gently rubbing it. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" he asks.

I want to shake my head, because I know the minute I say something I'm going to start crying. But I also know if I don't tell him Jake is going to be upset with me. "I was tucking Quinn into bed and I asked what she wished for when she blew out her candles and do you know what she told me?"

"What?" he whispers.

I have to pause to so I won't start crying. After I get it together I say, "That she wants to be a big sister." I can no longer keep my tears in; I let them run out my eyes and onto Jake's chest. When Quinn was almost three Jake and I started trying to conceive. When she was a little over three we found out that was I pregnant. I was about seven weeks along and only Jake and I knew. I ended up having an ectopic pregnancy in my left fallopian tube. A week later my tube ruptured and I lost the baby. Ever since then we've been having trouble getting pregnant.

"Honey its going to be okay. We're gonna get pregnant soon. You know that."

"What if it never happens? We've been trying for what seems like forever."

"We've only been trying for seven months, which isn't that long."

"How can you say that's not long? We got pregnant with Quinn our first time together. I took three months of trying to get pregnant with the last baby. It shouldn't take this long to convince again."

"You know why it's taking a little bit longer this time, but something tells me that there will be a baby in your belly within the next few months."

"I sure hope so," I whisper then close my eyes.

"Baby, what are you doing in here?" I ask Quinn as she stands next to my bed.

"I had a bad dream," she whispers clutching her teddy bear closer to her chest.

I look over at the clock to see it two-fifteen. "Okay, come up here."

I move over to the edge to make room for her in the middle. She climbs over my legs and finds a spot. She puts her head right next to mine on my pillow. She gets under the covers and looks at me, "I wove you."

"I love you too baby girl," I kiss her forehead. "Now get some sleep."

She nods and closes her eyes.

I watch my baby girl sleep; she's not a baby anymore. I can't believe four years ago I was in the hospital having her, Jake proposed, and I was living happily ever after since.

Jakes alarm goes off at five-thirty. I'm used to it and have gotten good at ignoring it but, Quinn on the other hand hasn't. "Turn it off, mommy," Quinn stirs in her sleep.

"Shhh, just go back to bed."

And then there's not a peep from her. I get up to see Jake. I hear him turn the shower on in the master bathroom. I quietly sneak into the shower with him. I place my arms around him startling him, "Jesus Katie! What are you doing in her."

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