Protect the Dolphins

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Hey there everyone! It has been over a year since I published Dolphin Tales. Since I noticed many have been reading the story, why not continue it? So this here is the book 2. Hopefully I can finish it through the summer since I don't have anything else to do... Here is a little something. Happy reading everyone!

"Cyrus, honey, it is time to get up!" 

The blinds were open and streams of light shined upon layer after layer of dirty clothes and greasy pizza boxes and a couple of ripped magazines. This is more than a landfill that a teenager's room. Cyrus dug deep into his covers and cocooned himself from the blinding sun. 

"Oh no. You are not sleeping in. Come on big guy."

"Five more minutes!"

"No. You might have forgotten that today we will be meeting with the O'Conors. You are their next scholar and I will not let this opportunity to slip. Come on now."

Elizabeth is in her mid 30s now and still she is strong. She pulled the heavy covers off her son, revealing a messy-haired Cyrus in a fetus style position.

"And Claire will be there."

And when he heard Claire's name, Cyrus got off his bed and straight to the shower. Elizabeth can't stop herself from smiling. "Young love..." 

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